The InteractionAttributeName type exposes the following members.

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Public fieldStatic memberAccountCodeId
The ID of the account code associated with the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberAlertSound
The sound to play when the interaction is alerting.
Public fieldStatic memberAssociatedProcessDisplayName
The name of the process to which the interaction is associated.
Public fieldStatic memberAssociatedProcessInstanceId
The ID of the process to which the interaction is associated.
Public fieldStatic memberCallClassification
The call classification (Local, Long Distance, International, Emergency, etc).
Public fieldStatic memberCallIdKey
The call ID key of the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberCallType
Indicates the call type.
Public fieldStatic memberCapabilities
The capabilities of the Interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberClientMessage
The client message to display.
Public fieldStatic memberConferenceId
The InteractionId of the associated ConferenceInteraction.
Public fieldStatic memberConsultCallId
When set, indicates the interaction is intended to be the target of a consult transfer.
Public fieldStatic memberDeallocationSeconds
The number of seconds after the interaction is disconnected until it will automatically be deallocated.
Public fieldStatic memberDirection
The direction of the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberDisconnectionTime
The time when the interaction was disconnected.
Public fieldStatic memberDisconnectRingNoAnswer
Whether to disconnect on ring no answer.
Public fieldStatic memberImmediateAccess
Whether to allow immediate access to the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberInitiationTime
The time when the interaction was initiated.
Public fieldStatic memberInteractionConnectionSegments
A collection of segments of the interaction representing connection to a workgroup.
Public fieldStatic memberInteractionId
The InteractionId of the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberInteractionType
The type of interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberInteractionUserSegments
A collection of segments of the interaction representing connection to a user queue.
Public fieldStatic memberLanguage
The language to use for the prompt.
Public fieldStatic memberLineQueueName
The unscoped name of the line queue on which the interaction is occurring.
Public fieldStatic memberLocalAddress
The address of local party (telephone number, IP 'dot' address, etc).
Public fieldStatic memberLocalId
The displayable address of local party (formatted telephone number, IP address, etc).
Public fieldStatic memberLocalName
The user-friendly name of the local party.
Public fieldStatic memberLocalPartyType
The user-friendly name of the local party type.
Public fieldStatic memberLocalSecurityLevelRequested
The security level the local endpoint has requested.
Public fieldStatic memberLog
The log associated with the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberMonitors
The monitors on the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberMonitorsCombinedCount
The total number of monitors.
Public fieldStatic memberMonitorType
The type of monitor on the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberMuted
Whether the interaction is muted.
Public fieldStatic memberNotes
The notes associated with the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberOrbitQueueName
The unscoped name of the orbit queue containing the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberPopApplication
The application that should be popped for the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberPrivate
Whether the interaction is marked as private.
Public fieldStatic memberRecorders
The recorders of the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberRecordersCombinedCount
The total number of recorders.
Public fieldStatic memberRecordingsAutoResumeTime
The date and time at which the current Secure Recording Pause will expire and recordings will resume.
Public fieldStatic memberRelatedSnippetRecordings
The snippet recordings related to an interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberRemoteAddress
The remote address.
Public fieldStatic memberRemoteId
The ID of the remote party.
Public fieldStatic memberRemoteName
The name of the remote party.
Public fieldStatic memberRemotePartyType
The type of the remote party.
Public fieldStatic memberRemoteSecurityLevelRequested
The security level the remote endpoint has requested.
Public fieldStatic memberSecurityLevelActual
The actual security level the interaction is using.
Public fieldStatic memberSecurityLevelViolation
Indicates the security level violation and the reason for the violation.
Public fieldStatic memberState
The interaction state.
Public fieldStatic memberStateDescription
The interaction state description.
Public fieldStatic memberStationEmergencyCustomerLocationDescription
The Station's emergency customer location description. This attribute will only work with InteractionAttributeMonitor and will be set only for calls that have CallClassification set to any call classification with category 'Emergency'.
Public fieldStatic memberStationEmergencyCustomerName
The Station's emergency customer name. This attribute will only work with InteractionAttributeMonitor and will be set only for calls that have CallClassification set to any call classification with category 'Emergency'.
Public fieldStatic memberStationEmergencyOutboundAni
The Station's emergency outbound ANI. This attribute will only work with InteractionAttributeMonitor and will be set only for calls that have CallClassification set to any call classification with category 'Emergency'.
Public fieldStatic memberStationLocationDescription
The Station location description. This attribute will only work with InteractionAttributeMonitor and will be set only for calls that have CallClassification set to any call classification with category 'Emergency'.
Public fieldStatic memberStationQueueNames
The name(s) of the station queue(s).
Public fieldStatic memberSupervisorMonitors
The supervisory monitors on the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberSupervisorRecorders
The supervisory recorders of the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberUserQueueNames
The unscoped names of the user queue(s).
Public fieldStatic memberWorkgroupQueueDisplayName
The display name of the workgroup queue.
Public fieldStatic memberWorkgroupQueueName
The unscoped name of the workgroup queue.
Public fieldStatic memberWorkgroupQueueTimestamp
The time when the interaction was queued for a workgroup.
Public fieldStatic memberWrapUpAssignments
A collection of wrap up code assignments associated with the interaction.
Public fieldStatic memberWrapUpCodeId Obsolete.
The ID of the wrap up code associated with the interaction.

Collapse imageSee Also