The Memo type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAlertSetId
Gets or sets or sets the AlertSetID, to be used for Alert memos.
Public propertyCanExpire
Gets or sets whether or not the message can expire.
Public propertyExpiration
Gets or sets the UTC based time that the MemoList will expire.
Public propertyIcon
Gets or sets the icon.
Public propertyIsEditable
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is editable.
Public propertyIsExpired
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is expired.
Public propertyMessageId
Gets the ID of the message.
Public propertyMessageName
Gets or sets the name of the message.
Public propertyMessageText
Gets or sets the message text.
Public propertyPopupType
Gets or sets whether or not the memo is a pop-up type.
Public propertyRecipients
Gets the list of recipients.
Public propertySenderDisplayName
Gets the display name of the sender.
Public propertySenderId
Gets the ID of the sender.
Public propertySendToAlertSetSubscribers
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to send the memo to all the subscribers of the AlertSet.
Public propertySoundFile
Gets or sets the sound.
Public propertyUrl
Gets or sets the URL.

Collapse imageSee Also