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Place an Account With an Agency or Attorney

Use the AIM Placement dialog box to flag an account for placement with an outside collection agency or attorney.


  • If the AIM Place menu option is visible and available, an outside agency or attorney doesn't hold the account currently.

  • If the AIM Place menu option is visible but not available, the account is pending placement with an outside agency or attorney.

To place an account with an agency or attorney

  1. In the Account toolbar, click AIM Place.

AIM Placement dialog box

Which Agency/Attorney...: Agency or attorney to place the account with.

Fee Schedule: If selected, specify the fee schedule to use when applying commissions.

Commission Percentage: If selected, specify the commission percentage to use when applying commissions.

Change Desk After Placement: Desk to assign to the account after it's placed with the agency or attorney. If you don't want to change the desk assignment, leave this list box blank.

Auto Recall: If selected, the system generates pending and final recall files automatically. If cleared and you want to recall the account, do the steps to Recall an Account From an Agency or Attorney to recall the account manually.

Pending Recall in Days: Date to generate the pending recall file automatically. When you specify a date, the system calculates the number of days between the current date and the pending recall date.

Final Recall After Pending in Days: Date to generate the final recall file automatically. When you specify a date, the system calculates the number of days between the pending and final recall dates.

Change Desk After Auto Recall: Desk to assign to the account after it's recalled automatically from the agency or attorney.

  1. Complete the information and then click OK. The AIM Place menu option becomes unavailable to indicate that the account placement is pending. When a user generates placement files for the agency or attorney using the AIM program, AIM includes the account in the file. Latitude then displays the AIM Card.

Related Topics

Recall an Account From an Agency or Attorney

Placements and Recalls