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What's New in Latitude 13.0

The initial release of Latitude 13.0 introduced the following enhancements.

Angular upgrade

Latitude by Genesys upgraded the Agent Desktop to the most recent Angular technology. This upgrade improves overall performance, supportability, and scalability as we continue to transition the Latitude product suite to a minimal footprint deployment strategy.

Custom panels

Added ability to create custom anchor cards and reference panels to display in the Work Form. You map the custom anchor card or reference panel to a query that specifies the data to display in the card or panel. You create the query using the Custom Panel Query Creator tool in Latitude Console and create the mapping in the Custom Panel Mapping panel in Latitude. For more information, see Custom Panel Query Creator in the Latitude Console documentation and Custom Panel Mapping in the Latitude documentation.

Interaction Dialer

  • Added integration to Interaction Dialer to allow users to process campaign calls in call lists that your organization creates using List Builder. For more information, see Dialer Agent Interface

  • Added ability to log on to Interaction Dialer automatically when logged on to Latitude. For more information, see Add a User and Modify a User.

  • Added ability to map disposition codes from your Dialer server to result codes in Latitude. For more information, see Map a Disposition Code to a Result Code.

  • Added ability to dial phone numbers manually from the Contact Information tab or the Phones panel. For more information, see Dial a Phone Number.

Payment arrangements

Added ability to create a single payment arrangement for an amount that exceeds the account balance when proposing a payment arrangement in the Payment Negotiator card. You can create the arrangement for a single, non-joined account or for one or more joined accounts. The amount cannot exceed the maximum overpayment amount configured in the Allow Overpayments permission.


  • Added Access Redirect Portal permission for specifying the web site to open in a new browser tab when a user clicks the link on the account toolbar.

  • Added Allow Overpayments permission for specifying whether to allow payment arrangements that exceed the account balance. If allowing overpayments, specify the maximum percentage of the account balance that users are allowed to increase the payment by when scheduling overpayments. For example, if the account balance is $100 and the maximum overpayment percentage allowed is 10%, you cannot create an overpayment arrangement for more than $110.

  • Added Dialer permission for specifying whether to display the Dialer Agent Interface in the Work Form.

  • Added Mask Phone Numbers permission for specifying whether to mask all phone number occurrences in the Work Form.

  • Added "Pool Queue" option to the Queue Providers permission for specifying whether the Pool queue is available to users.

Pool queue

Added the Pool queue feature to the Work Form. A Pool queue is dynamic in that accounts flow in and out of it as they qualify or disqualify. Accounts in a Pool queue reside on an inventory-type desk, where multiple users have access to them.

Portal redirect

Added ability to display a web site that your organization specified in a new tab in your browser. For more information, see Display a Web Site on a New Browser Tab.

Reference panels

Added a Communication panel to display all communications associated to an account, such as inbound and outbound calls; and inbound and outbound letters. If available, you can also play audio recordings associated to calls and view sent letters. For more information, see Communication.

Related Topics

Introduction to Latitude 13.0

Log On to Latitude by Genesys

Change Your Password

Work Form Overview

Help Overview