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Configure a Final Recall Import File

Use the Final Recall tab on the Import Files tab to configure an import file for final recall accounts.

To configure a final recall import file

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Clients.

Clients pane

  1. In the Clients pane, expand the appropriate folder and then double-click the client. The tab for the specified client appears in the Information pane.

General tab

  1. Click the Import Files tab and then click the Final Recall tab.

Import Files tab - Final Recall tab

Modify File Source Layout: Opens the Define Import Layout window to allow you to define the layout of the import file. For more information, see Source File Layout.

Modify File Mapping: Opens the Data Translator window to allow you to map the import file to the Latitude database. For more information, see Import File Mapping.

Uses Excel: If selected, the import file is an Excel file. Each row in the Excel file contains one record only.


Prompt: If selected, Exchange Manager prompts you during the import process for the client to associate to the accounts.

Predefined: If selected, allows you to specify the client to associate to the accounts.

[Client]: Name of the client to associate to the accounts. If you selected Predefined, specify the client name and Exchange Manager associates it during the import process.

Use From File: If selected, Exchange Manager associates the client specified in the import file to the accounts.

Change Desk to:

Prompt: If selected, Exchange Manager prompts you during the import process for a desk to which to move closed accounts.

Predefined: If selected, allows you to specify the desk to which to move closed accounts.

[Desk]: Desk to which to move closed accounts. If you selected Predefined, specify the desk and Exchange Manager associates it during the import process.

Use From File: If selected, Exchange Manager moves closed accounts to the desk specified in the import file.

Do Not Change: If selected, Exchange Manager doesn't change desk assignments for closed accounts.


Prompt: If selected, Exchange Manager prompts you during the import process for a status code to assign to closed accounts.

Predefined: If selected, allows you to specify the status code to assign to closed accounts.

[Status]: Status code to assign to closed accounts. If you selected Predefined, specify the status code and Exchange Manager associates it during the import process.

Use From File: If selected, Exchange Manager assigns the status code specified in the import file to closed accounts.

Close and Return All Accounts: If selected, Exchange Manager assigns queue level "999" to closed and returned accounts, and changes the status to "recall" (regardless of whether a Post-dated check or similar exists). If cleared, use custom business rules to create objection files. For more information, see Configure Global Custom Business Rules.

Pre Account Procedure: Stored procedure to call before processing each account.

Post Account Procedure: Stored procedure to call after processing each account.

Execute this stored procedure before processing the first record: Stored procedure to call before processing the first record in the import file.

Execute this stored procedure after processing the last record: Stored procedure to call after processing the last record in the import file.

  1. Complete the information and then, in the toolbar, click Save. The Update Comment dialog box appears.

  2. In the Update Comment box, type a comment regarding your changes and then click OK.

Related Topics

Source File Layout

Import File Mapping

Import Process Configuration

Import a Final Recall File