
  • Contents

Specify General Configuration Settings

Use the General Configuration section of the General tab to specify general configuration settings.

To specify general configuration settings

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Clients.

Clients pane

  1. In the Clients pane, expand the appropriate folder and then double-click the client. The tab for the specified client appears in the Information pane.

General tab

  1. On the General tab, locate the General Configuration section.

General tab - General Configuration section

Configure File Pre-processing: Opens the Regex Config dialog box to allow you to run a regular expression or SQL code against a file before processing it. For more information, see Add a Regex Replacement and Configure Code Pre-processing.

Configure Dependencies: Opens the Configure Dependencies dialog box to allow you to add dependencies to include when copying a client to export. For more information, see Configure Dependencies.

Store copy of original file: If selected, stores a copy of the original file for later reference.

Always open entire file at once: If selected, Exchange Manager checks for fixed or delimited files where a sub record does not contain a unique account identifier and is dependent upon a parent record for proper processing.

Execute this stored procedure before processing the first record: Name of the stored procedure to run before processing the first record in a file.

Execute this stored procedure after processing the last record: Name of the stored procedure to run after processing the last record in a file.

  1. Specify the general configuration settings and then, in the toolbar, click Save. The Update Comment dialog box appears.

  2. In the Update Comment box, type a comment regarding your changes and then click OK.

Related Topics

Add a Regex Replacement

Configure Dependencies

General Configuration