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Connection Attributes for AS/400 MS SNA Server

The following fields are available on the Attributes page if AS/400 MS SNA Server is the Host Type/Interface pair chosen on the Connection Properties General Page.

shortcut.gif How to access the Connection Properties dialog


Displays the logical name used by the host to identify this session. In most cases you can leave this field blank. Use Device to assign a device name that will be used instead of the default device name. In most cases, the device name defaults to the PC System name followed by S1 (workstation) or P1 (printer). For example, when the PC System name is MSMITH, the default device name is MSMITHS1.

Local LU

Your local machine name.

Partner LU

Typically a system assigned value.

Auto Signon option

Selecting this option causes an automatic login using User ID and User Password when the connection is made.

User ID

The user ID to use when logging in.

User Password

The password associated with the user ID above.

Caution: This password is not protected, allowing a user to view the password in the host profile (.hcs file). Use the security features in your operating system to protect the host profile from unauthorized users.