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Connection Attributes for Mainframe TN3270

The following fields are available on the Attributes page if Mainframe TN3270 is the Host Type/Interface pair chosen on the Connection Properties General Page.

shortcut.gif How to access the Connection Properties dialog


Numeric or textual IP host address. For example, you could type "" or "".


The port over which the connection will be made with the host. 23 is the default for telnet.


Displays the logical name used by the host to identify this session. In most cases you can leave this field blank. Use DeviceName to assign a device name that will be used instead of the default device name. In most cases, the device name defaults to the PC System name followed by S1 (workstation) or P1 (printer). For example, when the PC System name is MSMITH, the default device name is MSMITHS1.


In most cases you can leave this field blank.

Extended Attributes

Returns or sets a value that specifies whether the TN3270 server supports 3270 extended attributes (TN3270E).

SSL Enabled option *

Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled.

Authentication *

Indicates whether SSL authentication is enabled.

Licensing Server *

Sets the licensing server name for the Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Failover Address

Provides the network connection redundancy for a host connection. This optional address allows Host Server Tools to use an alternate, backup address to the host server (mainframe) in the event that the primary host address is unreachable.

Failover Port

The port to use for a specified failover address.

* Interaction Host Recorder does not natively include SSL encryption and authentication support. In CIC 3.0, you could use NetManage (now MicroFocus) OnWeb Web-to-Host to take advantage of these SSL options. MicroFocus no longer packages the required DLLs for SSL encryption and authentication support in their product line. Therefore, Interaction Host Recorder no longer supports these SSL options. CIC and PureConnect releases after CIC 4.0 do not include the Host Server license and do not support the ability to use the SSL encryption and authentication. Genesys recommends that you convert to a SOAP or REST solution instead of using Host Interface tools.