
  • Contents

Connection Properties

Connection properties are the settings to open a connection to the host. In this dialog you'll configure the host type, address, display options, and several other settings. You must configure the connection properties for each new Host Profile that you create.

Once you've configured the parameters in this notebook, you can open the terminal emulation by clicking the Connect button.

shortcut.gif How to access the Connection Properties dialog

General Page


The name of the host.

Host Type

Sets the type of host you want to connect to. This release supports Mainframe and AS/400 hosts. The choice you make here determines what configuration options are available on the Attributes page.


Shows or sets the host communications interface used to connect to the host. Use this drop-down list to determine which interface is currently selected or select an interface to connect with the host. For both Mainframe and AS/400 host types, you can select TN 5250 (Telnet) or MS SNA Server.

Display Mode

Shows or sets the width and height for the display of the terminal emulation. If you choose the wrong size, the terminal emulation may appear disorganized. If you have problems with the terminal emulation display, try changing this value.


Shows or selects the number of seconds to wait for a connection before stopping the connection process. The connection is not retried after this time is exceeded.


Both Recorder and Server driver are unique for the Host Type/Interface pair. For example, the Recorder driver for Mainframe TN 3270 is I3WdExpMFDriver. If you accidentally delete these settings, see Default Connection Drivers for the default settings.

Caution: These drivers are predefined during Interaction Host Recorder installation, and you should not change the default values unless instructed to do so by a PureConnect Customer Care agent.

As Default button

Saves the current settings as the default for the current Host Type/Interface pair. If you click this button, a warning dialog appears for you to confirm the action.

Attributes Page

The fields available on the Attributes page will change depending upon which Host Type/Interface pair you chose on the General page.

Click on one of the pairs below for more information on the configurable attributes for that pair: