
  • Contents

Data about the current call

Follow these steps to create a logical expression based upon data about the current call:

  1. If you have not done so already, open the Expression Type wizard by pressing the Create Logical Expression button on a Logical Transfer node.

  2. Select Data about the current call.  Press Next.

  3. The next step is to identify the call information to analyze.  You can examine call routing attributes such as ANI, DNIS, or trunk line, or a call attribute.  Select information to analyze, and then press Next

  4. The dialog that appears next depends upon the type of data you chose to analyze:

Note: You can create comparison operators for call routing attributes such as ANI, DNIS, trunk line, or call attributes, and compare against a value that is either a string value or a numeric value.

The call's ANI info

When you select this option, you are prompted to choose a comparison operator, a value, and a string or numeric data type. The value is the caller's telephone number entered as a string as it exists in the interaction attribute ‘Eic_LocalTn’ (set when the call first arrives in the system) and is typically a full SIP address, or entered as a number without dashes in standard numeric telephone number format.

The call's DNIS info

When you select this option, you are prompted to choose a comparison operator,  a value, and a string or numeric data type. The value is the telephone number the caller dialed entered as a full SIP address, or entered as a number without dashes in standard numeric telephone number format.

The call's trunk line

When you select this option, you are prompted to choose a comparison operator, and the trunk line that the caller is on. 

A specific call attribute

When you select this option, you are prompted to enter the name of a call object attribute.  Press Next.  Then choose a comparison operator, enter the value of the named call attribute, and select a string or numeric data type. 

A call attribute is a piece of information about an object that travels with it throughout the Customer Interaction Center.   For example, one standard attribute of a call object is the telephone number of the person who placed the call.  A call object can have as many attributes as are needed.  Attributes stay with a call until it is disconnected. 

The CIC supports application programming interfaces (API's) that provide access to call object attributes.  Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is commonly used to accomplish this, as is the Interaction Client Win32 COM API. 

Attributes typically store information that is passed to a database or a third-party application.  For example, CIC can be set up to "pop" a database application when an incoming call arrives at an agent's workstation. 

For information about attributes, DDE and other APIs, see the System APIs section of the master documentation library on your CIC server.  The Interaction Attributes Technical Reference describes attribute names that are reserved by CIC. 

  1. Press Finish.  When the wizard ends, the result of your expression is displayed in the Expression to Evaluate frame, back on the Logical Transfer form. 

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