
  • Contents

Configure the CIC Database Schema

Select one of the following options for an Oracle database.

Note: If you are re-running IC Setup Assistant following a CIC configuration data import using the Interaction Migrator utility, the option you choose will be based on your migration or recovery scenario. For more information, see Interaction Migrator in the Technical Reference Documents section of the PureConnect Documentation Library.

Create a new 3.0CIC database schema

Creates a brand new CIC database schema (one that has no data in it.)

Use an existing database schema

Select this option if you wish to use an existing CIC database.

A database may already exist if you have multiple CIC Servers in your organization using the same CIC database (multiple active CIC Servers or one or more Switchover pairs) , and the database was created or upgraded while running IC Setup Assistant on one of the other CIC Servers. Or, you may have already created or upgraded the CIC database prior to running IC Setup Assistant, by manually running the Oracle scripts located on the product disc.

Note: If you entered an account in the Select the Oracle Service dialog that is not in the DBA role, such as IC_ReadOnly, the only option available is to use an existing database; you cannot choose to create a new database or upgrade an existing one with his account.

Upgrade existing database schema

This option is generally not applicable in CIC 4.0 GA to SU 6 or CIC 2015 R1 and later

  • The option does not apply to migrating an IC 2.4 or 3.0 database to CIC 4.0 GA to SU 6 or CIC 2015 R1 and later. An IC 2.4/3.0 to CIC 2015 R1 or later migration package containing tools and documentation is available to download from the PureConnect Product Information site.

  • This option may be applicable in certain circumstances when applying a CIC 4.0 GA to SU 6 Service Update or CIC 2015 R1 and later (with Setup Assistant in rerun mode). Check with PureConnect Customer Care.

Select this option if the CIC database was created in an earlier major release ( 2.3.1 or 2.4), and needs to be upgraded to 3.0.

Important: If you already upgraded the CIC database (by manually running the SQL scripts located on the product disc or by running the standalone CIC Database Configuration install also located on the product disc), and you select this option, IC Setup Assistant requires that you use the Use an existing database schema option.

Schema Owner

Enter the schema owner name.

IC Survey Location: This information may be included in the IC Survey file. If so, the selection/value will appear in this dialog. You can review the contents of the IC Survey file by selecting View Survey in the Load IC Survey File dialog or opening it in a Pre-Install survey in the IC Survey system.