
  • Contents

Select the Oracle Service

Specifies the Oracle service name, its related administrator account information, and other Oracle service-related configuration information.

Oracle Service

Select the name of the Oracle service that will host the CIC database from the drop-down list. It must actively be running on an Oracle server and on the network.

If the Oracle service you want to use does not appear in this list, but you know it is running and available on the network, use the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant to configure the Oracle Client for that service. Then re-run IC Setup Assistant. The newly configured Oracle service will show up in the drop down list.

Oracle Administrator Name and Password

Enter an account with the DBA role. In most cases, this is the built-in database administrator account, SYSTEM. However, any account with the DBA role can be used.

IC Setup Assistant uses this account to connect to the Oracle service, create the database, and create the three standard database user accounts.

Note: If the CIC database already exists and is up to date, you may enter a CIC database account, for example IC_ReadOnly (one of the standard CIC database user accounts).

Change... (ODBC Driver)

We recommend that you keep the default setting of "Use the default ODBC driver".

Select Change... to change the ODBC driver only if you have contacted if you have contacted PureConnect Customer Care first.


After you have filled out the information in this dialog, select Test. IC Setup Assistant will verify that the CIC Server is able to connect to the database server and that the administrator name and password are correct. If IC Setup Assistant cannot verify this information, the problem must be fixed before IC Setup Assistant can continue.

IC Survey Location: This information may be included in the IC Survey file. If so, the selection/value will appear in this dialog. You can review the contents of the IC Survey file by selecting View Survey in the Load IC Survey File dialog or opening it in a Pre-Install survey in the IC Survey system.