
  • Contents

Configure the CIC User Accounts

Every person that plans to run a CIC client or who plans to have a unique user extension must have a CIC user account. Each CIC user account has several user values such as user extension, password, and e-mail address.

If you imported users from a CSV user list, the Configure the IC User Accounts matrix is populated with the CSV user list entries.

Note: IC Setup Assistant automatically adds  two required user account entries — the IC administrator account and the default Company Operator user account — to the Configure the IC User Accounts matrix. These required users will not override similar users set a CSV user list.

Add Users Assistant

Click Add Users Assistant to add, import, or modify user entries. You can:

Search for new users

The Add Users Assistant guides you through the creation of multiple CIC user accounts. Users can be imported from mail server distribution lists, Windows users, or a CSV user list. The Add Users Assistant also sets extensions and passwords for the CIC user accounts imported from mail servers or Windows users. When the Add Users Assistant completes, a User Worksheet appears populated with the user account entries you created.

Skip the search and add or modify user entries within the worksheet

Use the User Worksheet to manually enter the new user account information or modify existing user account information and assign mailboxes, passwords, extensions, workgroups, and roles to CIC user accounts.

After IC Setup Assistant completes, you can create and modify users in Interaction Administrator with the Add Users Assistant and User Worksheet. For more information, see Interaction Administrator online help.

IC Survey Location: This information may be included in the IC Survey file. If so, the selection/value will appear in this dialog. You can review the contents of the IC Survey file by selecting View Survey in the Load IC Survey File dialog or opening it in a Pre-Install survey in the IC Survey system.