
  • Contents

Configure the Novell Groupwise Provider

Enter the information that CIC needs to connect to the GroupWise server.

Note: You can configure CIC for GroupWise now in IC Setup Assistant or post-installation in the Interaction Administrator Mail container. If you have not yet fulfilled the requirements listed below, you may want to perform the configuration in the Interaction Administrator Mail container.


The following requirements must be fulfilled prior to configuring CIC for GroupWise:

  • GroupWise prerequisites. GroupWise server connected to the network.

  • Configure the GroupWise POA(s) for SOAP. For each GroupWise Post Office Agent ( POA) that will be accessed by CIC, enable SOAP, check the SOAP port, and (optionally) enable SSL for SOAP. If you want to use SSL for SOAP, you must obtain a server certificate for this POA and assign it to the POA in GroupWise. The certificate for the POA must be trusted by the CIC Server.

  • Generate the Trusted Application Key file.

For instructions, see the Novell GroupWise Support for CIC Technical Reference in the PureConnect Documentation Library.


Enter the name or IP address of the GroupWise server hosting the POA containing the most CIC users.

While the GroupWise Connector can connect to any POA with SOAP enabled, it is most efficient to connect to the POA that will be used the most. If the GroupWise Connector attempts to access a mailbox on a different post office than the one handled by the POA selected here, it will be redirected to the correct POA.


The port value should be the same as the SOAP port for this POA, which by default is 7191. If the POA uses a different port value, enter it here.

User Name

Enter the account that will be used to access the system address book and to send voicemails left by external callers. Typically, it is an account created just for use by CIC.

Trusted Application File

The Groupwise Connector requires that you install CIC as a Trusted Application in GroupWise. This enables CIC to automatically provide GroupWise users access to their mailboxes through e-mail or TUI.

Generate the Trusted Application Key file in ConsoleOne and copy the resulting GWTApp.xml file to a directory on the CIC Server, as described in the Novell GroupWise Support for CIC Technical Reference in the PureConnect Documentation Library.

Click the Browse button and select the GWTApp.xml file from the appropriate CIC Server directory.

Note: If you have not yet generated the Trusted Application Key file and copied it to the CIC Server, we recommend that you either do so now before continuing in Setup Assistant or skip the entire GroupWise configuration in Setup Assistant, and perform it in the Interaction Administrator Mail container. Problems can result from partial completion of the GroupWise configuration. For details, see the Troubleshooting section of the Novell GroupWise Support for CIC Technical Reference in the PureConnect Documentation Library.

Additional configuration in Interaction Administrator

The GroupWise Configuration dialog in the Interaction Administrator Mail container contains the following additional settings not available in Setup Assistant.

  • Use Secure Connections (TLS). If you are using SSL/TLS for SOAP to provide security between the CIC Server and the GroupWise server, we recommend that you install and configure the CIC Server first without configuring for SSL/TLS. Once you have determined that the CIC System is functioning properly, configure CIC for SSL/TLS.

  • Enable server side tracing. Enables GroupWise server tracing for troubleshooting purposes.

For more information, see Interaction Administrator help or the Novell GroupWise Support for CIC Technical Reference in the PureConnect Documentation Library.

IC Survey Location: This information may be included in the IC Survey file. If so, the selection/value will appear in this dialog. You can review the contents of the IC Survey file by selecting View Survey in the Load IC Survey File dialog or opening it in a Pre-Install survey in the IC Survey system.