
  • Contents

LDAP Directory

Enter the information needed for a specific LDAP directory entry.

Directory Name

Enter the LDAP directory name.


(Required) Enter the name or IP address of the LDAP server.


The default port number used on most LDAP servers is 389. If your LDAP server uses a different port number, enter that number.

Requires Authentication

Click the checkbox if the LDAP server requires authentication so that the CIC Server can connect to it.

User Name and Password

If the LDAP server requires authentication, enter appropriate values in these fields. The values will depend on the configuration of the LDAP server.


Re-enter the password.

Search Base

Enter the distinguished name of the base entry (starting point) for searches in the directory, if required. This entry can be for a country, an organization, or other type of grouping. Whether a search base is required depends on the directory server in use.)

Has Schema Extensions

Select this option to have CIC obtain users' IMAP account information (e.g., their IMAP account names and passwords) from the LDAP directory server.

To use this option, you enter the LDAP attribute names that contain the user's IMAP account information. For example, if the directory entry for each user has an attribute named “imappw” that contains the user’s IMAP password, enter “imappw” (without the quotes) in the IMAP password attribute field.. For more information, see the “The Directory Service (LDAP)” in the Installation and Configuration Guide.

Note: IMAP account information can no longer be stored in a flat text file.

Password is Encrypted

CIC allows users’ IMAP passwords to be stored either in clear text or in encrypted format.

Click the checkbox if you store IMAP passwords in encrypted format, and enter the encryption key used to encrypt the passwords in the “Encryption key” field.

CIC allows users’ IMAP passwords to be stored either in clear text or in encrypted format. If you store the passwords in encrypted format, select this option and enter the encryption key used to encrypt the passwords in the “Encryption key” field. For more information, see "Store Users’ IMAP Passwords in Encrypted Format" in the Installation and Configuration Guide.

IC Survey Location: This information may be included in the IC Survey file. If so, the selection/value will appear in this dialog. You can review the contents of the IC Survey file by selecting View Survey in the Load IC Survey File dialog or opening it in a Pre-Install survey in the IC Survey system.