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Interaction Process Automation Designer Help
Pauses a process for a duration or until a time that you specify.
To add this action to a task:
Drag the action from the Toolbox to the desired location in the workspace.
IPA Designer displays the Edit Wait dialog box (see figure).
To pause the process for a specific amount of time:
Select the radio button Wait until an interval of time has elapsed.
In the Interval list, click the desired duration.
To pause the process until a specific date and time:
Select the radio button Wait until a specific time.
In the When list, click the desired day or click Custom to add a calculation.
At the right end of the At Time box, use the scroll buttons to select the desired time.
Warning: If you select a time earlier than the current system time, no wait will occur because the wait action's ending time has already passed.
Click Close.