
  • Contents

Working with Tasks and Actions

Tasks combine work items with actions to move a process forward. For example, a hospital might need to process a patient's admission information. Work items might be a diagnosis form and an insurance form. The task would combine those work items with actions:

  • IF condition = "life-threatening emergency" THEN status = ("Admit" AND PostponeForms) ELSE

  • Send Work Item (insurance form) to User (admitting desk)

  • Send Work Item (insurance form) to Workgroup (billing department)

  • Send Work Item (diagnosis form) to User (attending physician)

  • Send Work Item (diagnosis form) to Workgroup (medical records department)

Other tasks might prepare a patient for surgery, discharge a patient, or arrange for follow-up home visits by a nurse. Each task would group related actions into one package.

Related topics:

Creating a Task

Adding Actions to a Task

Actions You Can Add to Tasks