IceLib 4.0 SU 2 includes a number of features that have been added, improved, and changed. Each namespace in IceLib is broken out to list each of these changes, to make it easier to find places where existing IceLib integrations may need to be updated for major breaking changes, or places where integrations could be enhanced to use newly introduced features.

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Collapse imageExample Applications

A new C# example application was added. This "Tutorial Example" began as the lab exercises at a few ININ User/Partner Conferences. It contains a document with exercises that lead the reader through several small examples of using IceLib functionality to accomplish a task in the Visual Studio project. This example demonstrates some functionality of the ININ.IceLib.Connection, ININ.IceLib.Configuration, and ININ.IceLib.Statistics namespaces. It also demonstrates an approach to integration of IceLib with a WPF application.

Collapse imageININ.IceLib.Connection

Support was added for retrieving allowed authentication modes via the GetAllowableAuthentications(HostSettings) method. Support was added for retrieving a configured user agreement via the UserAgreement property.

The SessionSettings class was expanded to support application based settings with a new ApplicationProfileName property.

Collapse imageININ.IceLib.Configuration

The ResponseManagementDocumentConfiguration class was expanded with support for editing response documents.

The ScheduleConfiguration class was expanded with support for additional properties, recurrences, and for editing.

The SecureInputFormConfiguration and SecureInputFormConfigurationList classes were added for configuring secure input forms.

Support was added for Salesforce integration settings via the ININ.IceLib.Configuration.Integrations.Salesforce namespace. An additional right was added for users, roles, and workgroups via UserAdministrativeRightsProperties<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)>.

Support was added for listing SIP bridge objects via the SipBridgeConfigurationList class.

Additional rights were added for users, roles, and workgroups via UserAdministrativeRightsProperties<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)> for SelectionRuleConfiguration and SIP bridge.

Additional rights were added for users, roles, and workgroups via UserAccessRightsProperties<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)> for follow me, forward, and TUI phone number classifications.

Additional rights were added for users, roles, and workgroups via UserSecurityRightsProperties<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)> for allowing agent schedule bidding, agent see own rank, agent see relative rank, email alerts, handler alerts, memo alerts, mini mode, and recording interactions.

The WorkgroupConfiguration class has a new MonitoredMailboxes property for configuring workgroup mailboxes.

DNIS mappings configuration was added via the DnisMappingsConfiguration and DnisMappingsConfigurationContainer classes.

The Language property was deprecated in favor of language options on the Keyword property.

The UserConfiguration.StationType property was removed due to being an invalid property.

Collapse imageININ.IceLib.Directories

The ContactEntry class has a new LyncSipAddress property.

Collapse imageININ.IceLib.Interactions

The PhoneNumber class has new properties AutoDialExtension, EditBase, and Extension available.

The Interaction class has a new InitiateSecureInput(SecureInputParameters) method.

Collapse imageININ.IceLib.People

The LookupComparisonType enumeration now supports wildcard comparisons. See Wildcards for details.

The LookupEntry and LookupEntryProperty types have more lookup entry attributes available for business, home, and mobile email/phone values as well as IsActive.

The ResponseItem type has new Keywords, PlainTextValue, and Shortcut properties.

The WorkgroupDetails and WorkgroupAttributes types have a new MaximumChatResponseTime property.

The UserAccessListsSettings and UserAccessListsAttributes types have new PhoneNumberClassificationFollowMeList and PhoneNumberClassificationForwardList properties.

The UserRightsSettings and UserRightsAttributes types have new CanInitiateSecureInput and CanShowSecureInputButton properties.

Collapse imageININ.IceLib.ProcessAutomation

Collapse imageININ.IceLib.UnifiedMessaging