The UserConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageMethods

Public methodCancelEdit
Cancels an edit started by PrepareForEdit()()()().
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public methodCommit
Commits the contents of this object to the server.
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public methodCommitAsync
Asynchronously commits the contents of this object to the server.
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public methodDelete
Deletes this object from the server.
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public methodDeleteAsync
Asynchronously deletes this object from the server.
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValidators
Gets the validators for a given configuration object type (and associates them with their Properties).
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public methodGetValidatorsAsync
Asynchronously gets the validators for a given configuration object type (and associates them with their Properties).
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPrepareForEdit
Prepares a list-based configuration object for edit.
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public methodStatic memberPublishClientTemplate(ConfigurationManager, ConfigurationId, IEnumerable<(Of <<'(String>)>>), String)
Publishes the client template to the specified user IDs.
Public methodStatic memberPublishClientTemplate(ConfigurationManager, ConfigurationId, String, String)
Publishes the client template to the specified user.
Public methodSetConfigurationId
Sets the unique identifier used to reference this configuration object.
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public methodSetDisplayName
Sets the display name for this configuration object.
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public methodSetPassword
Sets the password for this session user.
Public methodSetPasswordAsync
Asynchronously sets the password for this session user.
Public methodSetTransactionId
Sets the transaction ID to use when calling Commit()()()() or Delete()()()().
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationObject.)

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAccessControlGroupAssignment
Provides access to the property representing access control group assignment for this user (use Property.AccessControlGroupAssignment).
Public propertyAccessRights
Provides access to the various access control list properties.
Public propertyAcdAgentGreeting
Provides access to the property representing whether the ACD agent greeting is active for this user (use Property.AcdAgentGreeting).
Public propertyAcdAgentGreetingFile
Provides access to the property representing the ACD agent greeting file for this user (use Property.AcdAgentGreetingFile).
Public propertyAdministrativeRights
Provides access to the various administrative access control list properties.
Public propertyAlertOnSecurityBelowRequestedLevel
Provides access to the property representing AlertOnSecurityBelowRequestedLevel for this user (use Property.AlertOnSecurityBelowRequestedLevel).
Public propertyAlertPaneAllowChange
Provides access to the property representing AlertPaneAllowChange for this user (use Property.AlertPaneAllowChange).
Public propertyAlias
Provides access to the property representing the alias (or privacy name) for this user (use Property.Alias).
Public propertyAnalyze
Provides access to the property that determines whether or not outgoing external calls for this user are are analyzed (use Property.Analyze).
Public propertyAutoAnswerAcdInteractions
Provides access to the property representing whether to auto-answer ACD interactions for this user (use Property.AutoAnswerAcdInteractions).
Public propertyAutoAnswerNonAcdInteractions
Provides access to the property representing whether to auto-answer non-ACD interactions for this user (use Property.AutoAnswerNonAcdInteractions).
Public propertyCallbackEnabledWorkgroups
Provides access to the read-only property representing the collection of workgroups this user is assigned to that are callback enabled (use Property.CallbackEnabledWorkgroups).
Public propertyChanged
Indicates if this object has been modified since it was retrieved from the server.
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public propertyClientConfigDateLastModified
Provides access to the property representing ClientConfigDateLastModified for this user (use Property.ClientConfigDateLastModified).
Public propertyClientConfigurationTemplate
Provides access to the property representing the client configuration template for this user (use Property.ClientConfigurationTemplate).
Public propertyClientTemplates
Provides access to the read-only property representing the published client templates for this user (use Property.ClientTemplates).
Public propertyConfigurationId
Gets the configuration ID. (Use Property.Id and Property.DisplayName to filter or sort on this property.)
(Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyConfirmDial
Provides access to the property representing ConfirmDial for this user (use Property.ConfirmDial).
Public propertyConfirmDragDrop
Provides access to the property representing ConfirmDragDrop for this user (use Property.ConfirmDragDrop).
Public propertyCost
Provides access to the property representing the ACD cost for this user (use Property.Cost).
Public propertyDefaultWorkstation
Provides access to the property representing the default workstation for this user (use Property.DefaultWorkstation).
Public propertyEFaqSearchOption
Provides access to the property representing EFaqSearchOption for this user (use Property.EFaqSearchOption).
Public propertyEFaqSearchOptionAllowChange
Provides access to the property representing EFaqSearchOptionAllowChange for this user (use Property.EFaqSearchOptionAllowChange).
Public propertyExcludeFromDirectory
Provides access to the property representing whether to exclude the entry from the company directory for this user (use Property.ExcludeFromDirectory).
Public propertyExtCallTimeout
Provides access to the property representing ExtCallTimeout for this user (use Property.ExtCallTimeout).
Public propertyExtendedAbsencePrompt
Provides access to the property representing ExtendedAbsencePrompt for this user (use Property.ExtendedAbsencePrompt).
Public propertyExtension
Provides access to the property representing the extension for this user (use Property.Extension).
Public propertyFaxCapability
Provides access to the property representing the FAX capability for this user (use Property.FaxCapability).
Public propertyFollowMeAllowChange
Provides access to the property representing FollowMeAllowChange for this user (use Property.FollowMeAllowChange).
Public propertyHomeSite
Provides access to the property representing the home site for this user (use Property.HomeSite).
Public propertyStatic memberICServerUMDestination
Gets the a UM destination that represents the IC server.
Public propertyInteractionDisconnectedAction
Provides access to the property representing the interaction disconnected action for this user (use Property.InteractionDisconnectedAction).
Public propertyInteractionMessageStoreMaxMessage Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the Interaction Message Store max messages for this user (use Property.InteractionMessageStoreMaxMessage).
Public propertyInteractionMessageStoreMaxStorage Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the Interaction Message Store max storage for this user (use Property.InteractionMessageStoreMaxStorage).
Public propertyInteractionOfferingAction
Provides access to the property representing the interaction offering action for this user (use Property.InteractionOfferingAction).
Public propertyInteractionOfferingTimeout
Provides access to the property representing the interaction offering timeout for this user (use Property.InteractionOfferingTimeout).
Public propertyIsNewObject
Gets a value indicating whether this object is a new object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyLicense
Provides access to the various license properties.
Public propertyListenForSipRequests
Provides access to the property representing ListenForSipRequests for this user (use Property.ListenForSipRequests).
Public propertyLyncIntegrationEnabled
Provides access to the property that determines whether or not Lync Integration is enabled for this user (use Property.).
Public propertyLyncLineUri
Provides access to the property representing the Lync Line URI for this user (use Property.).
Public propertyLyncOption
Provides access to the property representing Lync Options for this user (use Property.).
Public propertyLyncSipAddress
Provides access to the property representing the Lync SIP Address for this user (use Property.).
Public propertyMailbox
Provides access to the various mailbox properties.
Public propertyMobileOfficeUser Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing whether the user is Mobile Office enabled (use Property.MobileOfficeUser).
Public propertyMuteonTransfer
Provides access to the property representing MuteonTransfer for this user (use Property.MuteonTransfer).
Public propertyMwiAddress
Provides access to the property representing the MWI address for this user (use Property.MwiAddress).
Public propertyMwiEnabled
Provides access to the property representing whether MWI is enabled for this user (use Property.MwiEnabled).
Public propertyMwiMode
Provides access to the property representing the MWI mode for this user (use Property.MwiMode).
Public propertyMwiSmdiPhoneNumber Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the MWI SMDI phone number for this user (use Property.MwiSmdiPhoneNumber).
Public propertyMwiSmdiPort Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the MWI SMDI port ID for this user (use Property.MwiSmdiPort).
Public propertyNameSpellingsAsr
Provides access to the property representing the ASR name spellings for this user (use Property.NameSpellingsAsr).
Public propertyNameSpellingTts
Provides access to the property representing the TTS name spelling for this user (use Property.NameSpellingTts).
Public propertyNtDomainUser
Provides access to the property representing the NT domain user for this user (use Property.NtDomainUser).
Public propertyOpenNewCallWindow
Provides access to the property representing OpenNewCallWindow for this user (use Property.OpenNewCallWindow).
Public propertyOriginalConfigurationId
Following a commit, this will be equivalent to the configuration ID that was assigned to this object prior to the commit.
(Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyOutboundAni
Provides access to the property representing the outbound ANI for this user (use Property.OutboundAni).
Public propertyParkedCallExtension
Provides access to the property representing the parked call extension for this user (use Property.ParkedCallExtension).
Public propertyParkedCallTimeout
Provides access to the property representing the parked call timeout for this user (use Property.ParkedCallTimeout).
Public propertyParkedChatExtension
Provides access to the property representing the parked chat extension for this user (use Property.ParkedChatExtension).
Public propertyParkedChatTimeout
Provides access to the property representing the parked chat timeout for this user (use Property.ParkedChatTimeout).
Public propertyParkedEmailExtension
Provides access to the property representing the parked email extension for this user (use Property.ParkedEmailExtension).
Public propertyParkedEmailTimeout
Provides access to the property representing the parked email timeout for this user (use Property.ParkedEmailTimeout).
Public propertyParkedGenericObjectExtension
Provides access to the property representing the parked generic object extension for this user (use Property.ParkedGenericObjectExtension).
Public propertyParkedGenericObjectTimeout
Provides access to the property representing the parked generic object timeout for this user (use Property.ParkedGenericObjectTimeout).
Public propertyPasswordPolicies
Provides access to the property representing the password policies for this user (use Property.PasswordPolicies).
Public propertyPersonalInformation
Provides access to the various personal information properties.
Public propertyPopTrackertoResolveContact
Provides access to the property representing PopTrackertoResolveContact for this user (use Property.PopTrackertoResolveContact).
Public propertyPreferredLanguage
Provides access to the property representing the preferred language for this user (use Property.PreferredLanguage).
Public propertyPropertiesChanged
Gets the properties that have been changed.
Public propertyQueuePagePaneAllowChange
Provides access to the property representing QueuePagePaneAllowChange for this user (use Property.QueuePagePaneAllowChange).
Public propertyQueuePageSelected
Provides access to the property representing QueuePageSelected for this user (use Property.QueuePageSelected).
Public propertyRedialInterval
Provides access to the property representing RedialInterval for this user (use Property.RedialInterval).
Public propertyRingWhenOnPhone
Provides access to the property representing RingWhenOnPhone for this user (use Property.RingWhenOnPhone).
Public propertyRoles
Provides access to the property representing the roles for this user (use Property.Roles).
Public propertyScreenCalls
Provides access to the property representing ScreenCalls for this user (use Property.ScreenCalls).
Public propertySecurityRights
Provides access to the various security properties.
Public propertySelectInteractiononDisconnect
Provides access to the property representing SelectInteractiononDisconnect for this user (use Property.SelectInteractiononDisconnect).
Public propertyShowStatusInSysTray
Provides access to the property representing ShowStatusInSysTray for this user (use Property.ShowStatusInSysTray).
Public propertySkills
Provides access to the property representing the skills for this user (use Property.Skills).
Public propertyStandardProperties
Provides access to the various standard properties, such as DateLastModified, DateCreated and Notes.
Public propertyStatisticsShiftStarts
Provides access to the property representing the statistics shift starts for this user (use Property.StatisticsShiftStarts).
Public propertyStatusText
Provides access to the property representing StatusText for this user (use Property.StatusText).
Public propertyTransactionId
Gets the transaction ID.
Public propertyUmDestination
Provides access to the property representing the UM destination for this user (use Property.UmDestination).
Public propertyUmRemoteOverride
Provides access to the property representing the UM remote override for this user (use Property.UmRemoteOverride).
Public propertyUseWkgRing
Provides access to the property representing UseWkgRing for this user (use Property.UseWkgRing).
Public propertyUtilizations
Provides access to the property representing the media utilizations for this user (use Property.Utilizations).
Public propertyVniStation
Provides access to the property representing VniStation for this user (use Property.VniStation).
Public propertyWhisperToneLevel
Provides access to the property representing the whisper tone level for this user (use Property.WhisperToneLevel).
Public propertyWorkgroups
Provides access to the property representing the workgroups for this user (use Property.Workgroups).

Collapse imageSee Also