
  • Contents

Introduction to List Builder

List Builder interfaces with the Latitude database to allow you to generate call lists for dialer campaigns using an elaborate querying tool. You can provide the call lists to your integrated Latitude by Genesys dialer vendors. When a campaign starts, the dialer calls the parties on the call list and, when connected, routes the calls to collectors.

Latitude can run List Builder in a "quiet" mode, with no user interface, from a Windows Task Scheduler command script. A command-line argument added to List Builder accepts a string, which is a set of saved dialer configuration settings as stored in the Latitude policy objects. The argument allows you to direct List Builder to generate and export a dialer call list. You can import the list into a dialer and use it to create a dialer campaign.

List builder can be automated by running a command through the command line or via a Job Manager Command type job.

Below are the sample commands for the supported dialers and the description of each parameter.

ListBuilder.exe -dbserver <<db_server_name>> -dbcatalog <<database_name>> -latuserid <<user_id>> -queryname <<query_name>> -dialername GenesysCloud -targetfile <<target_file_full_path>> -appendtocontactlist false -contactlistname <<contact_list_name>> -phonemapping "HomePhone-Home,WorkPhone-Work,CellPhone-Cell,FaxPhone-Fax,SpouseHomePhone-Spouse Home,SpouseWorkPhone-Spouse Work" -campaignaction create -campaignname <<campaign_name>> -dialingmode Preview -queueid <<queue_id>> -scriptid <<script_id>> -callername <<caller_name>> -callernumber <<caller_phone_number>> -turnoncampaign true -appendcontactaction replace -recyclecampaign true -divisionId <<division_id>>

Sample Command for PureConnect Dialer:

ListBuilder.exe -dbserver <<db_server_name>> -dbcatalog <<database_name>> -latuserid <<user_id>> -queryname <<query_name>> -dialername PureConnect -targetfile <<target_file_full_path>> -appentocontactlist false -contactlistname <<contact_list_name>>

Sample Command for Other Dialers:

ListBuilder.exe -dbserver <<db_server_name>> -dbcatalog <<database_name>> -latuserid <<user_id>> -queryname <<query_name>> -dialername <<dialer_name>> -targetfile <<target_file_full_path>>

List of Dialer Names:

1. Ensercle

2. Noble File

3. Dial Connection

4. Access

5. Aspect

6. Latitude Dialer Interchange

7. Livevox File

8. SoundBite File

9. CTCenter File

10. GlobalConnect File

11. PAPlus File

12. TCNDialer File

Description for Command Parameters

  1. -dbserver : Database Server Name
  2. -dbcatalog : Database Name
  3. -latuserid : Latitude User Id
  4. -queryid : List Builder Query Id
  5. -dialername : Dialer Name (Name should be exactly as seen under Export File menu item in ListBuilder UI)
  6. -dialercode : Dialer Code
  7. -targetfile : Target File Full Path. Only used for simple text-output exports. Not needed for Genesys Cloud and Pure Connect
  8. -contactlistname : Contact List Name. Used for Genesys Cloud and Pure Connect. For Genesys Cloud, Contact List Name from Contact List Management screen when creating or appending to contact list
  9. -appendtocontactlist : Indicates if contacts should be appended to existing contact list. Used for Genesys Cloud and Pure Connect. Send "true" to modify/append to an existing contact list, else send "false" to export contacts into a new contact list
  10. -phonemapping : Phone Mapping List. Used for Genesys Cloud. Phone Mapping from Contact List Management screen, send only when creating new contact list. Comma-separated <phone column>-<phone type> e.g. HomePhone-Home,WorkPhone-Work
  11. -enableAutoTimezone : Enable automatic time zone mapping. Used for Genesys Cloud. Send "true" to resolve Contact time zone by Genesys Cloud, else send "false"
  12. -campaignaction : Campaign Management Action. Used for Genesys Cloud. Send "create" to create a new campaign, else send "associate" to associate with an existing campaign
  13. -campaignname : Campaign Name. Used for Genesys Cloud. Campaign Name from Campaign Management screen when creating or associating a campaign
  14. -dialingmode : Dialing Mode. Used for Genesys Cloud. Dialing Mode from Campaign Management screen, send only when creating new campaign
  15. -queueid : Queue Id. Used for Genesys Cloud. Queue ID from Campaign Management screen, send only when creating new campaign
  16. -scriptid : Script Id. Used for Genesys Cloud. Script ID from Campaign Management screen, send only when creating new campaign
  17. -edgegroup : Edge Group. Used for Genesys Cloud. Edge Group from Campaign Management screen, send only when creating new campaign
  18. -responsesets : Response Sets. Used for Genesys Cloud. Response Sets from Campaign Management screen, send only when creating new campaign
  19. -outboundlinecount : Outbound Line Count. Used for Genesys Cloud. Outbound Line Count from Campaign Management screen, send only when creating new campaign
  20. -callableTimeSet : Callable Timeset. Used for Genesys Cloud. Callable Timeset from Campaign Management screen, send only when creating new campaign. If -enableAutoTimezone is sent as true, this parameter will be ignored
  21. -callername : Caller Name. Used for Genesys Cloud. Caller Name from Campaign Management screen, send only when creating new campaign
  22. -callernumber : Caller Number. Used for Genesys Cloud. Caller Number from Campaign Management screen, send only when creating new campaign
  23. -turnoncampaign : Flag to Turn On Campaign. Used for Genesys Cloud. Send "true" to turn on campaign as soon as it is created/associated, else send "false". If not sent, it will be considered as ""false"")
  24. -recyclecampaign : Flag to Recycle Campaign. Used for Genesys Cloud, send only when associating with existing campaign. Send "true" to recycle the selected campaign after association, else send "false". If not sent, it will be considered as "false"
  25. -appendcontactaction : Append to existing contact list actions. Used for Genesys Cloud. Send "replace" to replace/update all existing matching contacts with new contacts, else send "ignore" to ignore all existing matching contacts with new contacts, else send "remove" to empty/remove existing contact list and export new contacts
  26. -divisionId : Division Id. Used for Genesys Cloud.