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PureConnect Dialer Agent Interface Icons

The following table lists the icons available in the PureConnect Dialer Agent Interface toolbar. If an option is unavailable, the icon is dim instead of brightly colored. If an icon has a blue underline, it is selected currently.




Dial Pad icon

Dial Pad icon

Opens the dial pad while you are on a call to allow you to:

  • Send DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) tones to the connected call

  • Select IVR options

  • Provide information such as an account number or credit card number

Dialer Agent Interface icon

Dialer Agent Interface icon

Represents the minimized state of the PureConnect Dialer Agent Interface. To maximize the interface, click the icon.

Disconnect icon

Disconnects or skips the call.

Hold icon

Hold icon

Places the call on hold. To resume the call, click the icon again.

Mute icon

Mutes the call. To unmute the call, click the icon again.

Place This Call icon

Places a call to the number in the campaign list.

Record icon

Records the call and saves it as a WAV file. To stop recording, click the icon again.

Request Assistance icon

Opens the Request Assistance dialog box to allow you to request assistance from a supervisor.

Secure Plus icon

Starts a separate, secure session to allow the customer to provide confidential information (such as credit card data) so that you cannot see or hear it.

Snippet icon

Feature not available in the Latitude integration to Interaction Dialer.

Transfer icon

Opens the Transfer dialog box to allow you to transfer the call to another user, workgroup, or outside phone number.

Voicemail icon

Sends an incoming or connected call to your voicemail.

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PureConnect Dialer Agent Interface