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Search for an Account Using Advanced Search

Use the Simple Search tab in the Latitude Search - Search for Account window to search for an account using advanced search criteria.

To search for an account using advanced search

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To create a batch, do the steps to Create a Batch.

    • To open a batch, do the steps to Open a Batch and then click the Account tab.

The Account tab in the Payment Entry window appears.

  1. Click Search. The Latitude Search - Search for Account window appears.

  2. Click the Advanced Search tab.

Latitude Search - Search for Account window - Advanced Search tab

  1. Click the plus sign (+) to expand a folder.

  2. Click an item and drag and drop it into the "conditions" pane. Drag and drop more items as needed.

  3. Click Search. The search results appear on the Search Results tab.

Latitude Search - Search for Account window - Search Results tab

  1. Click the account to retrieve and then click Select. Information for the selected account appears on the Account tab in the Payment Entry window.

Payment Entry window - Account tab - Links tab

Related Topics

Payment Accounts

Select an Account

Retrieve an Account by Account Number

Search for an Account Using Simple Search