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View Information for Linked Accounts
Use the Link Details panel to view information about accounts that are linked to the account. Linked accounts can belong to different clients.
To view information for linked accounts
In the Account Detail toolbar, click Link Details. One of the following occurs:
For a first-party active collections account, the first-party active collections information appears.
For a first-party recovery or third-party collections account, the first-party recovery or third-party collections information appears.
Note: To display a linked account, in the Account column, click the account number.
To refresh the data in the data grid, click the Refresh icon in the first column and of the data grid's header row.
First-party active collections
The first-party active collections anchor shows aging information for each linked account.
# Accounts: Number of accounts in the linked account group, including the driver account.
Link Driver Account Number: Unique code that the client assigned to identify the link driver account. In the data grid, a Flag icon signifies the driver account and a Chain Link icon signifies a linked account.
Link Driver File ID: Unique code that the system assigned to identify the link driver account.
Link ID: Unique number that identifies the linked account group.
Client: Name of the client on the account.
(File #) Account: Unique code that the client assigned to identify the account.
Aging: Age of the account, which is the greatest number of days the account is past due.
Status: Status of the linked account.
Received: Date your organization received the account.
Last Charge: Amount the client last charged the account.
Cycle: Date the account's next billing cycle begins.
Current: Amount that is not yet due.
Past: Total amount that is past due on the account.
Total: Total amount due on the account. This amount is the sum of the current and total amounts.
[Delinquency Aging Buckets]: Time periods for reporting past due amounts. In the example, the labels are 30, 60, 90, and 120. Your organization defines these labels. For more information, see the Delinquency Aging Bucket Labels permission.
First-party recovery or third-party collections
The first-party recovery or third-party collections anchor shows account balance and payment information for each linked account.
# Accounts: Number of accounts in the linked account group, including the driver account.
Link Driver Account Number: Account number for the main account in the linked accounts group. In the data grid, a Flag icon signifies the driver account and a Chain Link icon signifies a linked account.
Link Driver File ID: Unique number the system assigned to the link driver account to identify it.
Link ID: Unique number that identifies the linked account group.
Client: Name of the client on the account.
(File #) Account: Account number that the client assigned to the account.
Status: Status of the linked account.
Received: Date your organization received the account.
Last Charge: Amount the client last charged the account.
Balance: Account balance.
Charge Off: Date the client charged off the account.
Placed: Amount on the account that the client placed with an outside agency.
Interest: Interest on the account.
Paid: Amount paid on the account.
Last Pay: Last payment date.
Amount of Postdates: Post-dated check and promise amount.
Next: Next payment date.