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Close Account Import Process

The close account import process imports account closures that an agency or attorney submitted to your organization. AIM stores the import files in the location specified in global settings. For more information, see Specify General Global Settings.

To import a close account file, do the steps to Import Data From a File, selecting Close File (ACLS) as the file type. If AIM processes the close account import successfully, AIM moves the accounts to another desk, queue level, or both based on the agency's or attorney's settings. For more information, see Maintain a Close Status Code.

If errors occur during import, AIM renames the import file with an ".errors" extension. AIM includes the error message in the file, after the last import record.

To view file processing history for an agency or attorney, do the steps to View File Processing History.

Related Topics

File Import Process

Specify General Global Settings

Import Data From a File

Maintain a Close Status Code

View File Processing History