
  • Contents

Import File Layouts

Use the Import feature to import all file types you received from outside agencies and attorneys. AIM moves imported files to an archive folder nested within the originating folder. AIM moves the file even when errors occur and AIM doesn't import the file successfully.

Import files use the letter "A" as the first character in the import file name to indicate that the file originated from an outside agency or attorney. For example, AXXX. AIM uses this same format in the record type name in delimited and fixed files.


Use the following constraints when creating files:

  • Strip all extraneous characters from phone numbers, postal codes, and social security numbers.

  • State fields use standard abbreviations and don't contain leading spaces.

  • AIM formats debtor names as last name, first name MI. Company names (as debtor) use standard format.

  • Dates must be blank or contain a valid date; AIM doesn't allow zero-filled date fields.

  • AIM formats date fields for delimited and fixed-length files as CCYYMMDD and for Excel and XML files as MMDDCCYY.

  • AIM expects a decimal point before the last two digits for monetary fields.

  • Organization's forwarding accounts determine whether the agency ID referenced in the file uses the numeric or alpha agency code. Specify this setting on the Defaults tab in the Options window.

File types

AIM supports the following file types for import:

  • Return payment and adjustment

  • Close and return

  • Recall objection

  • Demographic (phone and address) information

  • Bankruptcy information

  • Deceased information

  • Reconciliation

  • Status update

Excel file format

Excel files require the following special formatting:

  • Format date fields as date/time (for example, 6/20/2008  10:30:00 AM).

  • Format money fields as currency using two (2) decimal places.

Note: To import YGC files, use the All YGC Files From Folder or YGC File menu options only.

Related Topics

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Deceased Import File Layout

Demographics Import File Layout

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Payments Import File Layout

Post-Dated Transactions Import File Layout

Recall Objections Import File Layout

Reconciliation Import File Layout

Requests and Responses Import File Layout

Status and Notes Import File Layout

Exports and Imports