
  • Contents

Post-Dated Transactions Import Process

The post-dated transaction (PDT) import process imports post-dated transactions that an agency or attorney submitted to your organization. When you import a PDT file, it overwrites the current PDTs. Therefore, the import file must be a complete and comprehensive list of PDTs. AIM inactivates PDTs automatically for accounts that AIM recalled, flagged for bankruptcy, flagged as deceased, or that the agency closed. AIM captures data in a separate PDT table to avoid disrupting current Latitude processes. AIM stores the import files in the location specified in global settings. For more information, see Specify General Global Settings.

To import a PDT file, do the steps to Import Data From a File, selecting Post Dated Transaction File (APDT) as the file type. If AIM processes the PDT import successfully, AIM adds the information to Latitude. For more information, see the Latitude documentation.

If errors occur during import, AIM renames the import file with an ".errors" extension. AIM includes the error message in the file, after the last import record.

To view file processing history for an agency or attorney, do the steps to View File Processing History.

To view the PDTs, generate the Active Post Dated Transactions report. For more information, see Generate an Active Post Dated Transactions Report.

Related Topics

Import Process

Specify General Global Settings

Import Data From a File

View File Processing History

Generate an Active Post Dated Transactions Report