
  • Contents

Add a Client

Use the Client Configuration window to add a client. Once you add a client, you can configure the client's settings.

To add a client

  1. In the lower section of the AIM Receiver Manager window, click ReceiverClients. AIM Receiver Manager adds a blank row to the data grid.

AIM Receiver Manager window - blank row

  1. In the Name column of the data grid, click the Client icon. The Client Configuration window appears.

Client Configuration window

Client Name: Name of the client who is outsourcing accounts to your organization.

My Agency ID: Unique numeric code that the client assigned to your organization for identification purposes.

AIM Client Version: The version of AIM that your client uses.

Using Alpha Code in File Names: If selected, AIM Receiver Manager includes the value in My Alpha Code when naming the import and export files.

My Alpha Code: Unique alphanumeric code that the client assigned to your organization. The client uses this code to label the folders that contain your import and export files.

  1. In the upper section of the window, complete the information and then click Apply.

  2. Proceed to configure the client.

  3. After you configure the client, click Save. AIM Receiver Manager adds the client to the data grid in the AIM Receiver Manager window.

Related Topics

Client Configuration