
  • Contents

Configure General Client Settings

Use the General tab in the Client Configuration window to configure general settings for a client.

To configure general client settings

  1. In the AIM Receiver Manager window, in the Name column of the data grid, click the Client icon. The Client Configuration window appears, with the General tab selected.

Client Configuration window - General tab

Description: Description of the client.

Contact Name: Name of the contact person at the client's organization.

Phone: Contact person's phone number.

Email: Contact person's email address.

Address: Contact person's mailing address.

Last Received: This section displays the dates that you last received the type of data from the client. The system populates this information when you import data from a file.

Last Sent: This section displays the dates that you last sent the type of data to the client. The system populates this information when you export data to a file.

  1. In the upper section of the tab, complete the information and then click Apply.

Related Topics

Client Configuration