
  • Contents

Import Demographic Data

Use the Process tab in the Client Configuration window to import demographic data (phones and addresses) that the client added or updated after placing the accounts with your organization.

To import demographic data

  1. In the AIM Receiver Manager window, in the Name column of the data grid, click the Client icon. The Client Configuration window appears, with the General tab selected.

Client Configuration window

  1. Click the Process tab.

Client Configuration window - Process tab

  1. In the Import section, click Demographics (CDEM). The Open dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Demographic file to import and then click Open. A notification dialog box appears, which shows the number of records in the file.

  3. Click OK. Data from the file appears in the preview window.

  4. Review the data and then click Import File. When the import process is complete, a notification dialog box appears.

  5. Click OK.

  6. To review any processing errors, click the History tab.

Related Topics

Import Overview