
  • Contents

Task List

The following table lists the standard tasks that release with Latitude.



Build Custom Queues

Rebuilds custom queues as defined in the CustomQueue table. Calls stored procedure CustomQueue_BuildQueues.

Calculate Interest

Calculates interest accrued on accounts. Calls stored procedure spInterest_Update.

Note: The system no longer calls this stored procedure when displaying an account in the Work Form. If interest accumulates on accounts, it's possible that the current balance shown won't match the amount shown in the Arrangements panel. Therefore, you must run this task daily to ensure account balances are correct in the Work Form.

Cancel Arrangements on Closed Accounts

Cancels arrangements when all accounts in the arrangement are closed. Calls stored procedure spSetArrangementInactiveForClosedAccounts.

Clean Invalid Socials

Removes invalid social security numbers from the master and debtor tables. Calls stored procedure spCleanInvalidSocials.

Clear Daily Contacted

Removes old or erroneous records from the Daily_Account_Contacted table. Calls stored procedure spClearDailyContacted.

Clear Licenses

Removes old or erroneous records from the User License table. Calls stored procedure spClearLicenses.

Clear Old Account Contacts

Removes old account contact records from the AccountContacts table. Calls stored procedure spClearOldAccountContacts.

Clear Old Desk Stats

Removes old desk status records from the DeskStats table. Calls stored procedure spClearOldDeskStats.

Create NITD for Post Dated Checks

Creates Notice of Intent to Deposit (NITD) letter requests for post-dated checks (PDCs). Calls stored procedure spCreateNitdLetterFromPostDatedChecks.

Create NITD for Post Dated Credit Cards

Creates Notice of Intent to Deposit (NITD) letter requests for post-dated credit cards (PCCs). Calls stored procedure spCreateNitdLetterFromPostDatedCreditCards.

Debtor Credit Bureau Compile

Issues a recompile before calling the bulk Credit Bureau Reporting evaluation process to improve performance. Calls stored procedure sp_recompile cbrevaluatebulk_nocursor.

Debtor Credit Bureau Compile2

Issues a recompile after calling the bulk Credit Bureau Reporting evaluation process to improve performance. Calls stored procedure sp_recompile cbrevaluatebulk_nocursor.

Debtor Credit Bureau Evaluation

Evaluates accounts against Credit Bureau Reporting Console configuration to determine whether to report the accounts to the credit bureaus. Calls stored procedure cbrEvaluate.

Debtor Credit Bureau Force Deletes By Status

Sets the special note for accounts with a closed status that never reported previously so that the system doesn't include the accounts in the report to credit bureaus. Calls stored procedure cbrForceDeletesByStatus.

Debtor Credit Bureau Force Disputes by Status

Evaluates disputed accounts as follows:

  • If the disputed accounts didn't report to the credit bureaus as disputed previously, the stored procedure sets the compliance condition on the pending table to include the code in the next report to the credit bureaus.

  • If the disputed accounts reported to the credit bureaus as disputed previously and have since reported as deleted, the stored procedure sets the compliance condition on the pending table to exclude the code in subsequent reports to the credit bureaus.

Run this task after running the Debtor Credit Bureau Evaluation task. Calls stored procedure cbrForceDisputesByStatus.

Debtor Credit Bureau Reset CbrPrevent

Resets the flag for evaluating disputed accounts. Run this task before running the Debtor Credit Bureau Evaluation task. Calls stored procedure cbrResetCbrPrevent.

Evaluate Collection Holds

Evaluates collection hold and release events and dispositions the accounts or borrowers accordingly. Calls stored procedure CollectionHoldUpdate.

Evaluate Qlevel

Evaluates the queue level and "should queue" flag on accounts and updates accounts accordingly. Calls stored procedure spEvaluateQLevelShouldQueue.

Evaluate Scheduled Payments

Evaluates the status of scheduled payments for promise payment types to determine whether the borrower kept or broke the promise. Calls stored procedure ScheduledPaymentResultMerge.

Interest Deferral and Settlement Options

Sets reminders and letters for accounts configured to defer interest, hold settlement arrangements, or both.  Also used to reset interest and settlement amounts using grace periods and expirations. Calls stored procedure spInterestDeferralAndSettlementOptions.

Notify End of Day Finished

Sends a notification email that Custodian has finished processing. Attaches log files when requested.

Parse Debtor Names

Occurs once on each debtor record. Uses NetGender utility to place the first and last names into the proper column. Calls stored procedure Debtors_ParseNames.


Places future scheduled payments on hold when an account closes.

Calls stored procedure ScheduledPaymentsOnHoldForClosedAccounts.

Purge User History

Purges user history records older than a specific number of days. If a client didn’t specify the days through a parameter in Custodian Editor, Custodian uses the default limit of 90 days. Calls stored procedure spPurgeUserHistory.

Rehab Get Transactions

Not used.

Schedule Accounts

Sets up night queues, custom queues, new business, NSFs, and broken promises. Assigns the appropriate queue level to accounts based on age. Calls stored procedure spScheduleAccounts.

Schedule Broken Promises Letters

Creates letter requests for accounts with promises due on the current date that the debtor broke.  Not in use for most agencies. Calls stored procedure spScheduleBrokenPromiseLetters.

Schedule Letter Series Letters

Creates letter requests for the letters specified in a letter series. Calls stored procedure spScheduleLetterSeriesLetters.

Schedule New Business

Sets new business accounts for the number of days indicated for the assigned desk to work accounts as new. Calls stored procedure spScheduleNewBusiness.

Schedule Reminder Letters

Creates letter requests for accounts with promises due the indicated number of days (promise days) from the current date. Calls stored procedure spScheduleReminderLetters.

Send Letters to Vendor V7

For Latitude 7 and earlier only.

Creates letter request files in the specified directory for vendor letters that have the Vendor Letter check box selected in Letter Console.

To use this task, click the ellipsis next to the Filename box and click the directory to write the file to.

Send Letters to Vendor V8

For Latitude 8 and later only.

Disable this task and create a SQL task that calls “c:\collect2000\LetterFileWriter.exe.”

Set Inactive Closed Credit Cards

Deactivates PCCs for accounts in 998 or 999 queue level for arrangements that apply to non-linked accounts only. Calls stored procedure spSetInactiveClosedPCC.

Set Inactive Closed Post Dated Checks

Deactivates PDCs for accounts in 998 or 999 queue level for arrangements that apply to non-linked account only. Calls stored procedure spSetInactiveClosedPDC.

Set Inactive Closed Promises

Deactivates promises for accounts in 998 or 999 queue level for arrangements that apply to non-linked accounts only. Calls stored procedure spSetInactiveClosedPromises.

Update Control File

Sets the date in the control file. Calls stored procedure spUpdateControlfileEOD.

Update DOE Document Date Stamps

Stamps the appropriate field with the date a user sent the requested AWG, loan consolidation, or loan rehabilitation letter. Also stamps the appropriate field with the date a user attached a loan consolidation or rehabilitation document to an account. Calls stored procedure UPDATE_DOE_DocDateStamps.