
  • Contents

Page Through a Data Grid

Some data grids allow you to page through the data grid when the number of records exceeds the maximum allowed to display on a page.

To page through a data grid

  1. Locate the data grid on the Dashboard.

Grid gadget

  1. To display a different page, do one of the following:

  2. Click a page number to display that page of the data grid.

  3. Click one of the following icons:



Displays the first page of the data grid.

Displays the previous page of the data grid.

Displays the next page of the data grid.

Displays the last page of the data grid.

  1. To change the maximum number of records that display on a page, click the Items per page list box and then click a number.

  2. To refresh the data grid, click the Refresh icon.

Related Topics

View a Dashboard

Data Grids

Sort the Data in a Data Grid

Filter the Data in a Data Grid