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Account Navigator Card

The Account Navigator card contains contact information for the parties on the account displayed in the Work Form. The system displays each party on a separate tab within the card. The first tab displays the primary party on the account. Subsequent tabs display secondary parties on the account. Click a tab to display the account in the Work Form.

Account Navigator card

[Party]: Party's name. Click to view information for another party on the account.

[Address]: Party's street, city, state, and postal code.

[Email Address]: Party's email address.

Authorized for Customer: Customer who authorized this person to discuss the debt and pay on the account. This information appears when the Is Responsible check box is cleared.

If your organization placed a collection hold for a party on the account, a message displays in this card indicating that the customer is on hold.

Tip: To view the full contact name when it isn't visible, rest your mouse on the contact name.

Related Topics

Delinquency or Recovery Anchor

Place a Customer-Level Hold