
  • Contents

Dialer Agent Interface

The Dialer Agent Interface adds Interaction Dialer capabilities to Latitude, including automated dialing and manual calling. The integration includes the following features:

  • Add a user's Dialer credentials to the user's Latitude profile for automatic logging on to Dialer.

  • Inbound call account pop based on ANI lookup.

  • End a call and then disposition it. User cannot receive the next call until after dispositioning the current call.

  • Transfer a call to another user.

  • Conference in a third party.

  • Request a break. Agent cannot receive calls until indicating that the break ended.

Dialer Agent Interface

  1. Dialer Agent Interface toolbar: Displays options for the Dialer Agent Interface.




Hamburger menu

Hamburger menu

Displays a list of options for the Dialer Agent Interface, such as viewing interactions or logging on to or off of campaigns.

Workgroup Queues icon

Workgroup Queues icon

Opens the CRM web Client window to allow you to view your workgroup queues.

Phone icon

Phone icon

Feature not available.

User icon

User icon

Displays a list of user options, such as changing your station or logging out of the Dialer Agent Interface.

  1. Dialer toolbar: Displays the actions available for the current campaign call.

  2. Information: Displays information about the current campaign call and other notifications.

  3. Status bar: Displays your current status and available options such as the option to request a break.

Related Topics

Log on to Interaction Dialer

Set Your Workgroup Status


Dialer User Statuses

View Your Call History

Change Your Station

Change Your Dialer Password

Log off Interaction Dialer