
  • Contents

Maintain General Legal Information

Use the General tab to maintain general legal information for the account displayed in the Work Form.


  • Before creating a legal case, link all accounts involved in the suit and unlink those that aren't.

  • After creating a legal case, don't add other accounts to the link group as the system won't include them in the judgment. We recommend that you move the linked accounts to a desk that doesn't allow linking (Prevent linking of accounts in this desk check box is selected) to prevent adding accounts to the link group accidentally. For more information, see Add a Desk, Modify a Desk, and Change a Desk Assignment.

  • If you didn't link all the accounts involved in the suit or you didn't unlink accounts not involved in the suit before creating the legal case, do the following:

    • Delete the legal case. For more information, see Delete a Legal Case.

    • Link the accounts involved in the suit and unlink the accounts not involved in the suit.

    • (Recommended) Move the accounts to a desk that doesn't allow linking.

    • Recreate the legal case.

To maintain general legal information

  1. In the Task Panel navigation tree, do one of the following:

    • To add a court case, click New Court Case.

    • To modify a court case, click the court case number.

The General tab appears.

Legal panel - General tab

Case Number: Court case number.

Status: Status of the legal case.

Plaintiff: Person who filed the complaint.

Defendant: Person defending the case. This box defaults to the primary customer's name.

Date Complaint Filed: Date the Plaintiff filed the complaint with the court.

Date Answer Filed: Date the Defendant filed the response to the complaint with the court.

Service Date: Date the court served notice to the Defendant.

Service Type: Type of legal service.

Trial Date: Date and time of the trial.

Arbitration Date: Date and time of arbitration.

Discovery Cut-off Date: Deadline for discovery requests.

Discovery Reply Date: Deadline for discovery responses.

Motion Cut-off Date: Deadline for filing a motion to reopen discovery.

Summary Judgment Deadline: Deadline for filing summary judgment motions.

Statutory Deadline to Try Case: Statutory deadline for trying the case.

Remarks: Comments regarding the case.

Misc Field 1: Use this box to store whatever information you choose.

Misc Field 2: Use this box to store whatever information you choose.

  1. Complete the information and then click Save.

Related Topics

Legal Case

Legal Court Case Statuses