
  • Contents

View Account Notes

Use the Notes panel to view notes for the account displayed in the Work Form. You can filter notes by action code, result code, joined account, system-created, or user-created. You must have the View Private Notes Permission to view private notes.

To view account notes

  1. In the Reference Panel navigation bar, click Available Panels and then click Notes.

Notes panel

Joined Account: If selected, only displays notes for the specified joined account.

Created By: If selected, only displays notes for the specified user that created the note.

Clear Filters: Clears the specified filters and displays all notes.

Date: Date and time the system or a user created the note. Dates and times are based on your time zone.

Account: Number that the client assigned to identify the account.

User: User who created the note.

Action: Code that identifies the action taken on the account.

Result: Code that identifies the result of the action taken on the account.

Comment: Note detail.

Private: If selected, indicates that unauthorized users cannot view the note.

  1. To display only the notes that meet specific criteria, in the Search box, type a word or phrase and then click the Search icon. Only notes that match the search criteria display in the data grid.

  2. To display notes for a specific joined account only, in the Joined Account list box, click the joined account. Only notes for the specified joined account display in the data grid.

  3. To display notes based on who created them, in the Created by list box, do the following:

    • To display only the notes that the system created, click System. Only notes that the system created display in the data grid.

    • To display only the notes that users created, click Users. Only notes that users created display in the data grid.

    • To display all notes, click All. Notes that the system or users created display in the data grid.

Tip: To clear the filters, click Clear Filters.

Related Topics

Data Grids

Action and Result Codes


View Private Notes Permission