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View Credit Bureau Reporting Summary

Use the Summary tab on the CB Reporting panel to view pending and historical credit bureau reporting summary for a responsible party on the account displayed in the Work Form.

To view credit bureau reporting summary

  1. In the Reference Panel navigation bar, click Available Panels and then click CB Reporting.

  2. Click the Summary tab.

CB Reporting panel - Summary tab


Debtor: Unique code that identifies the customer on the account. This value displays for debtor exception types only.

Description: Description of the exception.

Reporting Status

Note: If insurance is paying or paid the medical debt in full, the message, "Prevent Flag is ON," appears in this section.

Account: Code that Latitude assigned to identify the account.

Last Reported: Date your organization last reported the account to the credit bureaus.

Status: Status of the last report to the credit bureaus.

Last Evaluated: Last date the system evaluated the account for credit bureau reporting purposes.

Last Updated: Date the system or a user last updated the account.

Status: Status of the next report to the credit bureaus.

Debtor: Name of the customer on the account. If the customer is the primary party on the account, the system displays "(PRIMARY)" next to the customer's name.

Credit Bureau Status: Status of the last report to the credit bureaus.

Next Update Status: Status of the next report to the credit bureaus.

  1. In the View History list box, click the type of record to view (pending or historical).

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Credit Bureau Reporting