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Adjust a Balance

Use the Payment tab on the Account tab in the Payment Entry window to adjust the balance for a DA or DAR batch. These adjustments are not calculated fees. 

To adjust a balance

  1. In the Main Menu window, from the Apps menu, click Payment Entry. The Payment Entry window appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

  1. On the Account tab in the Payment Entry window, click the Payment tab.

Payment Entry window - Account tab - Payment tab

  1. Complete the information. The Date Paid is the adjustment date.

  2. Ensure that you selected the Note check box to have the system add an adjustment note to the account.

  3. In the Apply Amount boxes, type the adjustment amount for each applicable money bucket.

Note: Do NOT type in negative amounts. For a DA batch, the system decreases the account balance. For a DAR batch, the system increases the account balance.

  1. Click Accept.

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Payment Accounts