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Hide or Show Linked Accounts Columns

Use the Grid: Linked Accounts dialog box to show or hide columns in the Linked Accounts data grid on the Links tab.

To show or hide linked accounts columns

  1. In the Main Menu window, from the Apps menu, click Payment Entry. The Payment Entry window appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

  1. On the Account tab in the Payment Entry window, click the Links tab.

Payment Entry window - Account tab - Links tab

  1. Right-click in the data grid and then click Customize. The Grid: Linked Accounts dialog box appears.

Note: Selected check boxes appear as columns in the data grid on the Links tab; cleared check boxes do not.

Grid: Linked Accounts dialog box

  1. Do one of the following:

  • To select all check boxes, click Select All.

  • To clear all check boxes, click Select None.

  • To restore the check boxes to the default selections, click Restore Defaults.

  • To select specific check boxes, select or clear the individual check boxes.

  1. Do one of the following:

  • To apply the selections to the current session and future sessions, select the Persist Changes check box.

  • To apply the selections to the current session only, clear the Persist Changes check box.

  1. Click OK. The system closes the dialog box and updates the data grid on the Links tab.

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Payment Accounts