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Interaction Administrator Help
Conference Room Configuration
You must define at least one conference room before scheduling an Interaction
Conference. Additional conference rooms can be defined at any time.
Use this container to configure conference rooms and associated settings.
Note: To configure these conference room settings, the Interaction Conference Room administrative access right must be granted. This administrative access right is available at the default user, user, roles, and workgroup configuration levels. See Admin Access Categories in the Admin Access page for more information.
To create a conference room:
Double-click the Configuration entry in the Interaction Conference container. The Conference Room Configuration name dialog box appears.
Enter a descriptive name in the Display Name field. This is the name that appears in notification email messages sent to conference attendees, when a conference is scheduled to use this room.
If the General Configuration Settings allow PIN numbers to be defined, you may optionally check Require a PIN for these conferences. When checked, attendees must specify a personal identification number when joining a conference held in this room. Selecting this check box also allows more than one conference to occur at the same time in the room because the PINs route each caller to the correct conference.
Conference rooms can be physical (a room with a station phone on your premises) or virtual, meaning that the conference is associated with a telephone number. When you select Physical, the Station drop list is enabled. When you select Virtual, you can specify a telephone number. The telephone number associated with a conference room must be configured in your telephony hardware (in a gateway, for example) to route calls to the CIC server running Interaction Conference. Do not use a telephone number in more that one conference room.
Note: To add one or more phone numbers to the Phone Numbers text box, type the number in the second text box under Phone Numbers, then click Add. You can remove a number by highlighting it in the list and clicking Remove. You can determine the order which phone numbers are used by moving a phone number up or down in the list by highlighting it in the list and clicking Move Up or Move Down.
Special Considerations for Toll-Free Numbers
Special considerations apply to the use of toll-free numbers in Interaction Conference.
Due to the limitation of call routing in CIC, callers cannot directly reach a physical room using a toll free number. However, a physical station can call into a virtual room that is configured to be reached by a toll free number.
Use toll free numbers with virtual rooms so guests can call directly to that conference room.
To limit the resources available for the room (by default, resources are unlimited up to the limit set in general configuration settings):
Select the Specify Resource Limit radio button.
In the corresponding text box, type the maximum number of resources to allow.
If necessary, you can select the Disable this room option to prevent the conference room from appearing in the list of available rooms, but without deleting the configuration.
Click OK to save changes.
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Interaction Conference Configuration