
  • Contents

user.gifroles.gif  Roles

You can assign multiple roles to a user or multiple users to a role.

Note: If you enabled the Enhanced Interaction Administrator Change log, then all of your changes on this page are tracked in that log. For more information, see About the Enhanced Interaction Administrator Change Log.


A role is a set of permissions. When a role is added to a workgroup, the workgroup takes on those permissions. If a user is a member of that workgroup, the user automatically inherits the roles assigned to the workgroup. The inherited roles are displayed in this list.


To assign a role to this user, in the Owned list click Add. Again, you must already have defined one or more roles to add a role in this list.

To delete a role that is assigned in the Owned list, select the role and click Delete. You can select multiple roles to delete.

Note: The only inherited permission that an individual may override is Account Code Required.


Related topics

Configure a user

Users overview

Roles configuration