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Adding Questions to a Survey

Use the Create Question Wizard to add questions to a survey. Questions can be added when you are creating a survey, or you can add questions to an existing survey.

Adding questions when creating a survey

Questions can be added at the completion of the Create Survey Wizard.  

To add a question at the end of creating a survey:

  1. On the last screen of the Create Survey Wizard, select the Create question now check box.

  2. Click Finish. The Create Question Wizard is started.

  3. Follow the wizard instructions to create one or more survey questions.

Adding questions to an existing survey

Questions can be added using the Create Question Wizard.

To add a question to an existing survey:

  1. Under the survey group, select the survey. the Add Question button is now available on the toolbar.

  2. Click Add Question on the toolbar. The Create Question Wizard is started.

  3. Follow the wizard instructions to create one or more survey questions.


Detailed instructions on using the Create Survey Wizard to add a question to a survey are in the Interaction Feedback Technical Reference, available in the PureConnect Documentation Library on your CIC server. The latest version of this document can also be accessed from the PureConnect Documentation Library at


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Editing Questions