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Assign Shift

You can easily assign one agent's shift to another agent in the local schedule you are editing. This action is available in day and multi-day view, but not in week view. You cannot assign shifts in an AI-powered schedule.

Note: Before you configure shifts, select the appropriate scheduling unit from the Interaction Optimizer Home page Scheduling unit drop-down list.

Assign a shift from one agent to another

  1. From the Interaction Optimizer Home page, in the Scheduling area click the appropriate schedule from the Schedules drop-down list and click Open selected schedule. The Schedule tab opens.

  2. Right-click any agent's name and select Assign Shift... from the menu that appears.

  3. Select one agent in the Assign Shift dialog box, and click OK.

The shift is now assigned to the agent selected. The agent's name that the shift was assigned from is still displayed, but no shift is displayed for that agent. By default, the Show agents that do not match filter criteria option is selected. This option shows all agents regardless if an agent is not available due to being filtered, e.g., a shift rotation filter.

Note: The Assign Shift dialog box lists only agents in the same scheduling unit and not yet assigned a shift for the currently visible day.

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