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Interaction Dialer phone number statistics

Interaction Dialer phone number statistics summarize details for a specific phone number type (for example, home number, office number, fax).




The total number of times this phone number type has been attempted.

Attempts Abandoned

The total number of attempts to this phone number type that have been classified as abandons.

Attempts Answering Machine

The total number of attempts to this phone number type that have been classified as answering machines.

Attempts Busy

The total number of attempts to this phone number type that have been classified as busy.

Attempts Fax

The total number of attempts to this phone number type that have been classified as fax.

Attempts No Answer

The total number of attempts to this phone number type that have been classified as no answer.

Attempts Remote Hangup

The total number of attempts to this phone number type that have been classified as remote hangups.

Attempts Rescheduled

The total number of attempts to this phone number type that have been rescheduled.

Attempts System Hangup

The total number of attempts to this phone number type that have been classified as system hangups.

Contact Rate

The contact rate for this phone number type.  The rate is calculated using the number of contacts and the total number of attempts.


The total number of contacts that have been made to this phone number type.


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Statistics overview