
  • Contents

Before You Run IC Setup Assistant

Running IC Setup Assistant is the final step in a new CIC Server installation.

Before you run IC Setup Assistant, make sure you have fulfilled the appropriate requirements listed here.

Apply the latest patch

Make sure that you have applied the latest patch for this CIC 2015 R1 or later release. This requirement helps ensure the most stable operation of the product.

Patches are posted along with releases on the Download page on the PureConnect Product Information site at

For details, see the PureConnect Installation and Configuration Guide.

Log on as the CIC Administrator Account

  • The network administrator should have created a CIC administrator domain user account.

  • The user account must be a member of the local Administrator's Group.

  • The CIC administrator domain user account should have local administrator privileges on the CIC Server.

For details, see the CIC Installation and Configuration Guide.

Obtain license and download to the CIC Server

IC Setup Assistant will not run without a valid license file. If you have not already obtained the license for this product release version, do so now.

  • Place the order with PureConnect Sales or through the Partners area of the PureConnect Web site.

  • Generate a license file through the License Management system.

  • The license file is hostid.i3lic.

  • Copy the license file to the CIC Server or location accessible from the CIC Server.

For details, see the CIC Installation and Configuration Guide.

(Optional) Completed IC Survey file

A completed IC Survey file is not a requirement to run IC Setup Assistant in a new installation, but we highly recommend it.

A Pre-Install survey can be filled out prior to running the IC Setup Assistant to compile all the configuration information needed for the customer site. The results of the Pre-Install survey are stored in an IC Survey file on the CIC Server. When you run the IC Setup Assistant, it will load and read the IC Survey file, and pre-fill many dialogs with the appropriate configuration information.

For details, see Working with IC Surveys.

(Optional) Dial plan

CIC supports two dial plans:

  • The regional dial plan with an .i3dplan extension. For more information, see CIC Regionalization and Dial Plan in the Technical Reference Documents section of the PureConnect Documentation Library.

  • The old dial plan with an.i3pnum extension. For more information, see CIC Dial Plan in the Technical Reference Documents section of the PureConnect Documentation Library.

Resellers may wish to use an existing dial plan. If so, download the dial plan to the CIC Server prior to running IC Setup Assistant.

(Optional) CSV SIP station list

(If your CIC license includes the Dialogic HMP or SIP feature) You can create a CSV SIP Station list prior to running IC Setup Assistant. When you run IC Setup Assistant, you can choose to create "non-managed" SIP stations from the CSV SIP station list. If you plan to do this, be sure to have that list ready for import. You will have a chance after importing the list into IC Setup Assistant to modify SIP station attributes before those stations are created on the IC Server.

For details, see CSV List Import in the Technical Reference Documents section of the PureConnect Documentation Library.

(Optional) CSV user list

If you wish, you can create a CSV user list prior to running IC Setup Assistant. When you run IC Setup Assistant, you can choose import users from the CSV user list. If you plan to do this, be sure to have that list ready for import. You will have a chance after importing the list into IC Setup Assistant to modify user attributes before those users are created on the  CIC Server.

For details, see CSV List Import in the Technical Reference Documents section of the PureConnect Documentation Library.

Note: IC Setup Assistant provides other options for importing users to create user accounts, such importing users from a mail server or from the list of Windows users.

Install and configure optional servers

Make sure you have installed and configured any optional servers you plan to use, including:

  • Interaction Recorder server (add-on license required)

  • Speech Recognition engine (add-on license required)

IC Setup Assistant will prompt your information about these servers.