
  • Contents

Devices Detected

IC Setup Assistant auto-detects installed telephony boards: Aculab (including Aculab IP boards), Dialogic, and/or AudioCodes. It also detects Dialogic HMP resources. Device detection determines the physical address — board, if applicable and port order — of each resource (conference, fax, station, voice, etc.). In previous CIC releases, administrators had to manually number boards and determine port configurations on telephony boards.

Wizards such as the Add Stations Assistant or Add Lines Assistant use the detected configuration to guide you through creating stations , interfaces, and lines and interfaces with the required physical addresses.

Device Detection in Progress

IC Setup Assistant automatically performs device detection if it has not yet occurred. The Device Detection in Progress dialog appears.

Detected Devices

When device detection is completed, the detected boards/resources appear in the Detected Devices matrix. Review the detected boards/resources that will be used to create CIC stations, interfaces , and lines. For details on the board and port order of each resource on the boards, click Inventory Configuration.

If the Device Detected matrix is empty

The Detected Devices matrix will appear empty if the device detection failed or if no boards or Dialogic HMP resources were detected. In most cases, you cannot configure stations for the CIC system until the devices are detected . (The exception is SIP stations created using a pre-defined SIP station CSV list .)

We recommend that you try to run device detection again in Inventory Configuration. While you can wait to run device detection later in Interaction Administrator, the process is faster in IC Setup Assistant (10 to 20 seconds compared to 4+ minutes in Interaction Administrator when Telephony Services is running).

Note: For CIC Servers with Dialogic boards, IC Setup Assistant will not detect the boards until the prerequisites — configure the boards in Dialogic Configuration Manager (DCM) and start Dialogic service — have been fulfilled.

Inventory Configuration

Click on Inventory Configuration to open the Telephony Resources utility. You can:

  • View the board and port order of each resource for each detected board.

  • Click Detect New Devices to perform device detection again.

The Telephony Resources utility is also available in Interaction Administrator, and is useful for detecting new boards or resources added after the initial CIC installation. For more information, see Interaction Administrator online help.

For more information

For more information about device detection for your telephony platform, see the appropriate Telephony Application Note:

  • Aculab Application Note

  • Dialogic Board-Based Application Note

  • SIP Application Note (for Dialogic HMP and AudioCodes)