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Managed Phones: Utilities Field Descriptions

This topic contains the descriptions for each option in the Utilities details view under the View Managed Phones page.



Reload Now

Reloads the selected managed IP phone now.

Reload Later

Reloads the selected managed IP phone at a scheduled time.

Cancel Scheduled Reload

Cancels a scheduled reload of managed IP phone and reverts phone to it's previous status.


Unprovisions the managed IP phone so that the phone can not be used.

For example, you might want to unprovision a managed IP phone if an employee leaves the company, and a  new employee is going to use the phone. Unprovision it and it will be waiting to be provisioned for the next person.  

Set to Template

Sets the managed IP phone options to a specific template value.

Reload phones with pending changes.

Reloads all managed IP phones with pending changes that require a reload.

Related Topics:  

Managed Phones

Add a New Managed Phone

Managed Phones: Configuration

Managed Phones: Advanced Configuration

Managed Phones: Configuration Field Descriptions  

Managed Phones: Utilities Configuration 

Managed Phones: Advanced Field Descriptions