
  • Contents

Roles: General Field Descriptions

This topic contains the descriptions for each field in the General details view under the View Roles page.


When a user is added to a role, the user takes on the associated permissions. The default roles are:

  • Administrator

  • Supervisor

  • Agent

  • Operator

  • Business User

  • Billable-Time User

  • Mobile Office


A workgroup is a logical group of users (for example, departments) that can function as a group in the CIC system. A workgroup can have an extension that enables all members of the workgroup to receive calls notifying the workgroup. In addition, a workgroup can receive regular calls and ACD calls to specific workgroups and users.

Access Control Groups

An access control group (ACG) is a group of administrative rights. When an ACG is added to the role, the users assigned to the role take on those ACG's rights. The role can be assigned to only one ACG.

Note: Access Control Groups appear if they have been configured in your environment. If Access Control Groups have not been configured, this field is not displayed.


This section allows administrative and access control settings to be enabled or disabled.

Is a Master Administrator

Select this check box to give master rights to the currently selected role. Users assigned this role have master administrator rights to add, remove or change all security rights. When this check box is selected, all settings on the Administrator Access page are implicitly selected. Clear this check box to remove master administrator rights.

Anyone having master administrator rights can view and change everything in Interaction Administrator, and assign or remove all levels of rights for any other CIC account, including others with master administrator rights. All security pages (especially Administrator Access and Access Control) for the Default User, User, Workgroup, and Role containers are visible to master administrators. This is not the case for other accounts without master administrator rights.

Master administrators can grant individual users a range of access rights, which enable them to manage other CIC configuration resources. These rights can be very minimal, such as a user allowed to run Interaction Administrator to change only their own user and station configuration, or perhaps the user and station configurations for the members of a workgroup. In contrast, a master administrator can grant another user rights to create, modify, or delete any other CIC configuration resource in Interaction Administrator, including giving other users a subset of their own administration rights. Master administrators also control the appearance of the Access Control and Administrator Access pages for select users (other users do not have the option to control these pages).

Can Edit Administrative Rights

Select this check box to enable administrative access rights edits for this role. This disables access control rights edits for the role, and when clicking the Access Control button, an error message is displayed.

Can Edit Access Control Rights

Select this check box to enable access control rights edits for this role. This disables administrative access rights edits for the role, and when clicking the Administrator Access button, an error message is displayed.

Password Policies

A password policy is a set of rights. When a password policy is added to a workgroup or role, the workgroup or role takes on those rights. If a user is a member of that workgroup or assigned that role, the user automatically inherits the password Policy assigned to the workgroup or role. The inherited password policies are displayed in the list on the right. Policies added to the user, but are not inherited are displayed in (and can be added to) the list on the left.

Related Topics:  

Roles: General

Roles: Administrative Rights Field Descriptions

Roles: Access Control Rights Field Descriptions

Roles: Security Rights Field Descriptions

Roles: Advanced Field Descriptions