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Interaction Process Automation Designer Help
Working with Calculations
You can use a calculation in most places where you could also use a literal value or a variable. In those places, your process looks at a value and decides what to do based on the value. A process doesn't care how the value gets there: all that matters is what the value is. The value can be:
A literal value that the user types into a text box, such as "Smith" or "123".
The value of a variable, such as ApplicantNumber.
The result of a calculation, such as CreditScore + YearsOnJob or the truth value of CreditScore > 700.
To create calculations, you use the Calculation Editor dialog box. The dialog box varies depending on the variable (data) type you are using in the calculation. However, the dialog box has similar features and works the same regardless of data type.
Related links:
Configuring Time Zone Settings
Understanding Boolean Expressions
Comparison Operators in Calculations