The DialerHistoryMessage type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAgent
The agent that this message applies to.
Public propertyCampaign
The Id of the campaign this message applies to.
Public propertyContent
The textual content of the message.
Public propertyErrorType
THe type of error-level event, or None if it is not an error-level event.
Public propertyFooter
Optional additional information.
Public propertyInfoType
The type of information-level event, or None if it is not an information-level event.
Public propertyMessageTime
The time that this message was generated.
Public propertyProcessName
The name of the process that this message originated from.
Public propertySeverity
The severity level of this message.
Public propertySite
The site that this message originated from.
Public propertyTitle
A brief summary of the message contents.
Public propertyWarningType
The type of warning-level event, or None if it is not a warning-level event.

See Also