
  • Contents

What's New in Latitude

For more information about the changes and enhancements in Latitude, see the following:

2022 R2

2022 R2 introduced the following changes and enhancements in Latitude.

Consumer Facing Self Service Portal

This includes self-service options that allow customers to do-it-yourself when it comes to make their payments, view their account details/history and update personal/demographic data. Customer can manage their debt on their own, using the portal. A customer self-service portal doesn’t require an agent to intervene, hence, creating a more seamless experience for the consumer.

Localization Capability for Browser UI

This will provide localization support for browser-based applications including Agent Desktop, Agent Scripting. This capability is configured at System/Role/User levels.

UX/General Functionality Enhancements

Improve the general user experience within the browser-based components of Liquid. This includes providing a mechanism to request an SMS/Email from context menus and also providing display of add/edit capability in Customer Task panel for addresses and emails.

2022 R1

2022 R1 introduced the following changes and enhancements in Latitude.

Genesys Cloud integration

  • New capabilities added to Genesys Cloud integration.

    • Fetching non-agent calls into the communication panel.

    • Screen pop-up upon inbound call received.

    • Remove phone numbers from current contact list/campaigns

Digital Communication (SMS and Email)

  • Added ability to send outbound SMS from Communication, phones panels and from workflow.

  • Added ability to send Email while sending letters, from Communication & Email panels and from workflow.

  • Added ability to increment attempts/contacts on phone number/Email in Compliance panel incremented upon SMS/Email delivered successfully depending upon the configuration.

  • Added ability to set the Phone number/Email as bad upon SMS/Email delivery failure depending upon the configuration

  • Inbound SMS/Email is fetched and displayed in Communication panel

  • Attachments from inbound emails are saved and displayed in the Communication panel.

  • Added ability to handle any opt-out from receiving SMS/Email and unsubscribe the respective debtor from further SMS/Email communication respectively

  • New events are added to events panel at appropriate operations while sending, reading, delivery status, etc. for SMS & Email

Payment Arrangements & Wallet

  • New events are added to events panel at appropriate operations while sending, reading, delivery status, etc. for SMS & Email

  • Payment Vendor Plugins can be configured in Client scope as well.

  • User can calculate and update the interest deferral if the interest deferral flag in master is set to true.

  • Surcharge Type Policy has been created under Financial in Administration. It allows adding, updating, and deleting new surcharge types. And these surcharge types are displayed in a drop-down for surcharge calculation in the arrangements.

  • A new table bin_list is created and contains the BIN numbers used to compare with the card number that is being entered while saving into the wallet and the type to compare with the card type of the item being added

  • Added an option to edit the address for an existing wallet item

  • Surcharge for payment methods is set as surcharge percentage, which takes the same flat amount as a percentage. If the Surcharge Percent checkbox is checked. The surcharge will be considered as a percent and will be shown as % in the arrangement Window

  • Added a new option to view Business Rules while setting up an arrangement. Users can view the Business Rules in the arrangement panel to view a summary of payment arrangement permissions set for their user role and the customer on the account.

  • Provided an ability to establish different business rules when setting up an arrangement based upon the payment method being used (Card, ACH, Promise)

  • Added request-specific SIF or PIF Letter be generated when setting up a payment arrangement

  • Added a posting note within the Arrangements task

Reference Panels

  • Added a table named dbo.HistoricalTransactions and Reference panel to show the data from dbo.HistoricalTransactions

System codes and settings

  • A new letter configuration called Communication Templates has been created to configure if a letter code can be sent as a letter, email, or SMS.

    • A designer to create email/SMS is added for the user to create templates.

    • A list of merge fields is provided to inject any data from Latitude while rendering the templates.

  • Added the customer groups under System Codes & Settings in Administration.

    • In the Navigation pane, click System Codes and Settings > Customer Groups > Custom Customer Groups.

    • Use the Custom Customer Groups dialog box to add, modify, and delete Customer Groups.

    • Fields and the description of customer group dialogue.

      Name: Custom Customer Group name

      Description:Description of the Custom Customer Group

      Display Group in Invoice application: If selected the Custom Customer Group is added in Invoice application.

      Display Group on Statistics Console: If selected the Custom Customer Group is added on Statistics console.

      Client: Select the clients, which must be part of the current custom-customer group.

Policies and Permissions

  • New permissions have been created under Digital Communication > SMS, which is used when sending SMS to debtors

    • Gateway configuration defined at System & Client Scope. The plugin used to send and receive SMS is configured here. Each plugin setting must be separated by a new line. There's also inbuilt support to integrate other vendor plugins. Genesys Cloud SMS plugin is built into the system

    • Allow sending SMS – System, Client, Role & User Scopes. SMS is sent only if this is enabled

    • Consider SMS as Attempt – System level. This is also added as a new option under State Restriction setting. Update State Restriction setting documentation accordingly. Sending an SMS is considered as an attempt and the number of attempts in the Compliance panel are incremented if this is enabled

    • Consider SMS as Contact – System level. This is also added as a new option under State Restriction setting. Update State Restriction setting documentation accordingly. Sending an SMS is considered as a contact and the number of contacts in the Compliance panel are incremented if this is enabled

    • Consider SMS as Worked – System, Client. Sending an SMS is considered as worked if this is enabled

    • Consider SMS as Bad – System, Client. Phone number is updated as Bad on delivery failure if this is enabled.

  • New permissions have been created under Digital Communication > Email, which is used when sending emails to debtors

    • Gateway configuration defined at System & Client Scope. Plugin used to send and receive emails is configured here. SMTP, IMAP is the recommended plugin. Each plugin setting must be separated by a new line. There's also inbuilt support to integrate other vendor plugins

    • Allow sending Email – System, Client, Role & User Scopes. Email is sent only if this is enabled

    • Consider Email as Attempt – System level. This is also added as a new option under the State Restriction setting. Update State Restriction setting documentation accordingly. Sending an email is considered as an attempt and the number of attempts in the Compliance panel are incremented if this is enabled

    • Consider Email as Contact – System level. This is also added as a new option under the State Restriction set. Update State Restriction setting documentation accordingly. Sending an email is considered as a contact and the number of contacts in the Compliance panel is incremented if this is enabled

    • Consider Email as Worked – System, Client. Sending an email is considered as worked if this is enabled

    • Consider Email as Bad – System, Client. Email address is updated as Bad on delivery failure if this is enabled

    • Allow Attachments - System level. If allow attachment enabled, must specify file share to house attachments

  • Added a new policy under WebAccess → Website User Policy as 'User Can Upload and Download files to the web Server' where users can save upload location and download location for files.

  • A new policy named “Restrict Card Payments to Debit Cards Only” is added to restrict card types to only debit type cards at the System/Line of Business/Client scope. The policy would go under the "Credit Card" subtype folder under Scheduled Payments > Business Rules


  • Added an ability to change the number of days prior to the due date of the payment for the Promise Letter to be sent


  • Added missing search fields to the Default Quick Search options in Agent Desktop.


  • Provided an option to connect to different databases from Web UI

2021 R1

2021 R1 introduced the following changes and enhancements in Latitude.


  • Added Compliance Settings for the following:

    • Credit Bureau Reporting

    • Validation Notice Tracking

    • Call Attempts and Conversations Limits

  • Added Script Builder Permission for specifying whether users can create and update Agent.

Reference panels

  • Added ability to add notes in Events Panel for an account. For more information, see Add Note.

  • Added ability to view attempts/conversations, validation notice details, itemization details, and preferred time to call details as part of compliance panel. For more information, see Compliance.

  • Added ability to apply preferences/restrictions to phone numbers. For more information, see Modify an Account Phone Number.

System Codes and Settings

  • Added ability to add, modify, and delete holiday calendar. For more information, see Holidays.

  • Added ability to modify date and phone number using the localization code. For more information, see Localization.

Script Builder

  • Added ability to create and modify Script Query. For more information, see Script Builder.

  • Added ability to create, modify, copy, group, delete Script Query Conditions. For more information, see Script Query Conditions.

  • Added ability to create, modify, delete, and view history of Scripts. For more information, see Scripts.


  • Added ability to prevent adding expired credit card, address validation. For more information, see Add a Credit Card.


  • Added ability to decline payments for repay when the information provided is incorrect. For more information, see Process a Payment.


  • Added ability to send validation notice digitally and through physical letters. For more information, see Validation Notice.

  • Added ability to view the conversations held. For more information, see View Contact Made.


  • Added ability to view validation status warnings for an account. For more information, see View Warnings.

Mail Return

2020 R1

2020 R1 introduced the following changes and enhancements in Latitude.


Genesys Cloud integration

Added ability to integrate Latitude with Genesys Cloud for Dialer capabilities that allow collectors to process campaign calls based on call lists that your organization creates using List Builder.  For more information, see Latitude Integration with Genesys Cloud.

Reference panels

  • Added ability to maintain automotive and non-automotive collateral information for an account. For more information, see Collateral.

Note: This panel replaces the Automotive panel.

System codes and settings

  • Added ability to specify a user's credentials for a third-party system to log on the user to the third-party system automatically. For more information, see Add a User and Modify a User.

  • Added user-defined list codes for the following:

    • Bankruptcy Reaffirm Method

    • Bankruptcy Status

    • Bankruptcy Surrender Method

    • Prefix

    • Suffix

For more information, see List Codes.

Task panels

Added ability to create and update RDN collateral recovery cases. For more information, see RDN Integration.

2020 R2

2020 R2 introduced the following changes and enhancements in Latitude.

Account Analysis

Added ability to create queries to retrieve accounts that meet specific criteria. Also, allows you to sort, group, and summarize the information for review. For more information about account analysis, see Account Analysis.


Account Reactivation

Added ability to reinstate an account and unreturn an account. For more information about reinstate and unreturn, see Reinstate an Account and Unreturn an Account.


Task panels

  • Added ability to email a letter. For more information, see Email a Letter.

  • Added ability to print a letter. For more information, see Print a Letter.

Related Topics

Introduction to Latitude

Log On to Latitude

Change Your Password

Work Form Overview

Help Overview